What is everyones take on D-Star? I am playing around with the idea of getting this logic board(UT-118) for my 2500 but my gut feeling is i really dont need it. What Radio manufacturers support this protocol besides Icom? Is it going to be worth spending the (215.00)? Is it going to be around for awhile? Who else besides HAMS will use this D-Star?
Any idea's would be great
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Sort by state. Are there any repeaters in your area? If so:
The voice quality is really good and the mode can be a lot of fun. We have 5 repeaters in my county and several of us chat to and from work everyday. We have the 2020's with GPS so it's pretty cool to bring up the GPS screen and see your friends callsign and position and heading. Pretty neat to watch when you are chatting with someone 6,000 miles away too through the internet connection.
I've chatted with England, Italy and Japan. Of course this isn't unique to D-Star but it cool. Seeing the party you are talking to callsign is pretty cool too.
About 1 1/2 years ago I counted 150 repeaters in the US on dstarusers.org 6 months ago there were over 400 so it is growing by leaps and bounds.
Icom is the only company currently making D-Star and it really doesn't look like others are interested but the repeater base is still growing fairly quickly.
Unless you have a local repeater that is D-Star it isn't worth the money. If you have a local repeater and there are users on it. Contact one and ask to listen to his radio and get a demo.