Anyone have issues hearing DFR 32001 on the Uniden 436HP? I feel like I hardly hear any traffic, but I hear plenty of dispatch's on the old UHF automated dispatch. Do I need to configure something specific?
Are you hearing any other traffic on NTIRN, like other DFR talkgroups, Dallas PD, or Dallas S. O.? It is simulcast, which can be a problem for many scanners other than the SDS100 or SDS200.
I'm hearing DFR, Dallas PD, and Dallas S. O. on my two 436HP’s, but I have to place them a specific place, with an antenna oriented somewhat different than straight up and down. The SDS100 and SDS200 have no issues receiving the system.
DFR stations dispatching is carried on NTIRN, as well as on the UHF legacy channel. I’m still hearing fireground radio traffic on the old simplex UHF frequencies when they are fairly close; normally they are used in simplex mode, not through a repeater. Got the most part, DFR is not taking advantage of the additional tslkgroups provided in NTIRN.