I think we're all civilians as we are non-military, but I then invite the comment that some firefighters are sworn to an oath making them non-civilian but non-military - which leaves me with an awkward "uh huhhhh" response. As a firefighter medic I always bristle when I see medics acting superior to firefighters, but firefighters can certainly have attitudes of superiority as well, especially fire department administration even though the vast majority of all calls are medical related. But like 30319 was saying, there were quite a few DeKalb medics with attitudes of superiority towards fire. A silly battle I think since both are public servants with significant workplace danger and knowledge requirements.
Anyway, Rural Metro is the new ALS provider, the big trucks DeKalb just bought are supposed to become squads for response to major incidents and house fires - people movers and rehab units.
Their first phase in is complete, the next hiring phase will add 10 more Rural/Metro trucks to what they just started and hiring for that begins next week. They've said they already interviewed over 100 paramedics and EMTs but that number is certainly a low estimate of interviews. Mass orientation and skills station checkoffs,drug screen, here's your truck, out the door!
They're also doing staggered 12 hour shifts for each truck, as opposed to the poor DeKalb fire medics and 24 hour shifts. That's just ridiculous for any busy EMS service, but is so common and "cheaper."
I'm sure the fire guys aren't crying over losing EMS responsibility, and I've met many looking for some extra side money in their home county - in addition to the CARE guys trying to get their jobs restored.