SDS100/SDS200: Delay in Signal Reception Cut Off Start of Audio


Jan 31, 2014
I find that the audio on received transmissions is cut off at the very beginning - perhaps a 1/4 to 1/2 sec or more. This makes the SDS200 a failure in its basic function as a receiver. For example, if I am monitoring an Air Traffic Control frequency, the callsign of the aircraft is cut-off at the beginning of the transmission. I saw this same complaint raised back in 2019 on this forum, and the thread was eventually closed without resolution. I am using the latest firmware and although I used a single AM frequency as an example, it occurs on all channels digital and analog.


Apr 3, 2008
Port Charlotte FL
Digital Waiting Time (Conventional only) This setting gives the scanner time to determine if channels on Conventional Systems have digital or analog transmissions. During this time, the scanner will evaluate the received signal and, if it detects digital data, will open squelch immediately. If digital is not detected before the delay expires, the scanner will open squelch at the end of this delay. This is to prevent "false decode" problems. This setting only affects conventional channels with an Audio Type set to All.
The default setting is 400 ms.
0 to 1000
Note: Any analog transmissions will lose the first part of the transmission up to the wait time you set here.
that was from the easy to read manual
Digital Waiting Time (Conventional only) This setting gives the scanner time to determine if channels on Conventional Systems have digital or analog transmissions. During this time, the scanner will evaluate the received signal and, if it detects digital data, will open squelch immediately. If digital is not detected before the delay expires, the scanner will open squelch at the end of this delay. This is to prevent "false decode" problems. This setting only affects conventional channels with an Audio Type set to All.
The default setting is 400 ms.
0 to 1000
Note: Any analog transmissions will lose the first part of the transmission up to the wait time you set here.
just a guess, and my 100 is set to default and i don't hear any problems.
and for equal time here is the uniden manual
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 22, 2007
Eastside of Lake WA
A: Are you holding on the particular frequency and you miss the first part?
B: Or, is the scanner scanning multiple freqs or sites and you miss the first part?

If B, your radio may just be on another freq/site when the transmission started on the other channel.
I'd still hold on a single freq/site and see if it still does it.

Remember.... the more you scan, the less you'll hear.


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Digital Waiting Time only apply if the channel are set to handle both digital and analog transmissions, like when you enter a frequency for a quick listen by Channel+frequency+Channel.

If you have DND priority set it will periodically leave a manually chosen channel and scan the channels that are included in the priority scan. It can be noticed as a delay of the squelch opening as the scanner could be busy scanning other frequencies. Turn off prio ( Func+ .No) to check if that could be the issue. I wish Uniden could make some sort of indication on the display, "Prio Scan" while this is happening.

Uniden could do a lot to enhance their scanners. They probably sit at their board meetings and having a discussion if the extra cost of doing enhancements would improve sales and increase profit and they decide it will not, it would only be as a courtesy to current owners, the thing that UPMan where so good at to give us and gave Uniden a good reputation of supporting their users even after a sale.



Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
By any chance are you using an amplified external speaker? The so-called "green" speakers have the amplifier cut off after a period of time to conserve power. It takes time for the amp to turn back on when receiving audio and can clip the beginning of transmissions.


Feb 18, 2006
South Suburbs.
If this is what i think it is i can remember this being an issue on my BCD436HP when i first got it years ago. (clipped audio). i can tell the difference when my TRX1 and 436HP were side by side. TRX1 you hear 10-4. 436HP you hear 4. if im not mistaken this may have been a housekeeping issue that a firmware update addressed years ago. i remember after doing this update the clipped audio was not as bad as before. my 396XT also has this issue but my 325P2 is as good as my 436HP is. this sounds like what i was going through years ago but im surprised as new as the SDS series are this issue seems to still exist.


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
I find that the audio on received transmissions is cut off at the very beginning

I am monitoring an Air Traffic Control frequency, the callsign of the aircraft is cut-off at the beginning of the transmission.

How much are you scanning? What are you channel delays set to? Does this happen when parked on a freq or scanning more than one?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 28, 2004
Butler County MO
By any chance are you using an amplified external speaker? The so-called "green" speakers have the amplifier cut off after a period of time to conserve power. It takes time for the amp to turn back on when receiving audio and can clip the beginning of transmissions.
I used to have a Radio Shack amplified external speaker. I wound up bypassing the amp on that one.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jun 19, 2022
Punta Gorda, Fl
I find this interesting, and maybe he's away for work or something. OP has an issue (it happens), posts about, long time notable members ask questions, but OP hasn't been back since the question was asked. Off topic, but just an observance.