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Delay/lag in scan mode in digital and analog on XPR3500e

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Mar 15, 2023

I experiencing a fairly long delay between pressing the ptt button a button on my radio and other radios actually connecting so I can transmit on all radios, only when scan mode is engaged.

We all use Motorola XPR3500e and the scan mode has to be on because the other team we communicate with uses cheap analog radios, scan mode helps for when they have to communicate with us.

My question is if it's normal for my radios to have such a long delay, I tried to edit the hang, TX and rx settings in CPS 2.0 with zero luck.

If anyone can help with a suggestion I will really appreciate it!

My radios are all updated with the latest formware, we run a simple setup with no repeaters because we have a small team and the size of the building permits not installing any.

Thank you!
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Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
Sounds like the other radios are scanning thru a scanlist, and are happening upon your transmission after some time. The solution is to eliminate scan from your system, and put everyone on the same channel.

If you turn off scan on all the radios, and put everyone on the same channel at the same time, is the lag present?


Oct 25, 2018
Sounds like the other radios are scanning thru a scanlist, and are happening upon your transmission after some time. The solution is to eliminate scan from your system, and put everyone on the same channel.

If you turn off scan on all the radios, and put everyone on the same channel at the same time, is the lag present?
I second this.

However, if that's not possible you could try using priority scan.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
This is the classic issue with scanning. The radio only has one receiver and you have to wait for scan to land on the channel with traffic. Priority scan is still scanning, and it's only going to make a difference if you are scanning several other channels.

If you —must— use scan, make sure you are only scanning the channels that must be scanned. Remove any unnecessary channels from
the list, or, as A417 said, eliminate scanning all together.

Only other thing you can do is to train the radio users to key up, count to "2 Mississippi" before talking. This is good practice anyway.


Mar 15, 2023
Sounds like the other radios are scanning thru a scanlist, and are happening upon your transmission after some time. The solution is to eliminate scan from your system, and put everyone on the same channel.

If you turn off scan on all the radios, and put everyone on the same channel at the same time, is the lag present?
It's a great idea but I can't do that, wish I could but.... The school (2nd team) uses analog Retevis radios which run on analog channels only, mine work on digital channels, I can't change everyone to the analog channels the other guys use because . I just wanted to make sure it was the scan and not some setting I can change to make it work better, you answered my question and I thank you very much for it!


Mar 15, 2023
This is the classic issue with scanning. The radio only has one receiver and you have to wait for scan to land on the channel with traffic. Priority scan is still scanning, and it's only going to make a difference if you are scanning several other channels.

If you —must— use scan, make sure you are only scanning the channels that must be scanned. Remove any unnecessary channels from
the list, or, as A417 said, eliminate scanning all together.

Only other thing you can do is to train the radio users to key up, count to "2 Mississippi" before talking. This is good practice anyway.
Can't eliminate scanning, I need to be in my digital channel and somehow also hear the analog transmissions from the school radios. As I mentioned previously, they are using cheap analog radios and the best I could do was add their anog channel to my radios to eliminate carrying two radios on us at all times.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
I can't change everyone to the analog channels the other guys use because .
Why not? This will solve your problem. You're trying to do poor man's mixed mode on 2 channels with scan.

If you want to get really janky and hacky, you could do a poor mans crosspatch between a digital mobile for your folks, and an analog mobile for their retevis junk.
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P25 Underground
Sep 27, 2019
Gadsden Purchase
Why not? This will solve your problem. You're trying to do poor man's mixed mode on 2 channels with scan.

If you want to get really janky and hacky, you could do a poor mans crosspatch between a digital mobile for your folks, and an analog mobile for their retevis junk.
I'll take desense for $500, Alex...


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
they are using cheap analog radios

There's no easy fix for this beyond what you've tried.
Setting the timers a low as you can is your best option. Digital processing plays in to this also.
If you are relying on your DMR radio for critical radio traffic, then you risk missing that if you set this to benefit the cheap radios.

Mixing uneducated radio users with crappy gear, and then expecting it to work in any sort of critical application is a recipe for missed traffic.
This is why in any sort of critical application, you don't scan, and you have a second radio.

Sorry, no easy answer on this one. Sounds like you've tried everything we'd suggest and the situation you are in prevents any real solution.
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