Columbus TRS
Please refer to the link above. It is for the Consolidated Govt TRS of Muscogee County and the City of Columbus, the county seat.
All of the known talkgroups for Columbus PD/FD etc are posted there.
Also sharing this system is nearby Harris County.
Close call or signal stalker is useless on a Trunked 800 System.
********** And what does this statement mean? ***********
Dude- if the detectives are using vises to get you to talk, I'm staying out of that county. If you have a radio that does a search or close call/signal stalker, use it. Since most all of the frequencies are vhf, stay in that part of the band and listen. Vice usually is at nite, detectives any time. Take a small portion and listen. Most use Nextel and cell phones now for greater security. It just makes sense.
Much of Georgia is on vhf, yes.... but there is frequent use of uhf and now more and more of the trunked 800 type.
Another great source of info is / Scan Atlanta.
Best Regards.........