SC200: Display Info

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Jan 28, 2003
San Diego, California
As a new owner, I am increasingly astounded as to this unit's capability to, not only display info, but display new info as well.

While watching the display tonight, I got up from my chair, and out of the corner of my eye, just below the time display, I saw "SLOT 2" show up. It went by so fast that I couldn't see just what system/department it was on.

What does "Slot 2" indicate? And "Link"?

Is there a "Slot 1" as well?

Many thanks!


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
TDMA is a mode of digital transmission (DMR, Fusion, DStar to name just 3 used on the ham bands) where transmissions act the same as packets do on a computer. In the case of digital radio, packets are sent from two different sources or conversations. These packets are kept separate by adding source and destination info to each packet. At the receiving end the packets are arranged where they belong. All this happens in microseconds. It allows for using one frequency for two different conversations at what seems to be the same time. It gives the impression two conversations are happening at the same time when in fact two parties are using the same frequency one at a time. It’s just happening so fast we can’t tell the difference. At the receive end only the conversation you have tuned to is being heard. And the other conversation is only being heard by it’s intended receiver. It a pretty slick way of conserving the finite amount of radio spectrum available for comms by using computers and the digital manner in which they communicate.
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