Just got hold of a used DV1 and I’m not too happy with DMR reception. The firmware is 2102 if that has any bearing on things.
The start of a good strong local DMR transmission (which is fine when received on an Anytone handheld ) frequently sounds chopped or “Dalek-like” then smooths out after a second or two. Otherwise the audio quality is good after it settles down.
I’ve transferred to a known good 12V power supply just in case the unit was getting something dodgy from the AOR brick but it makes no difference.
Also tried varying the signal strength by alternating between an external discone and a short whip.
Would it be a good idea to roll back the firmware?
The start of a good strong local DMR transmission (which is fine when received on an Anytone handheld ) frequently sounds chopped or “Dalek-like” then smooths out after a second or two. Otherwise the audio quality is good after it settles down.
I’ve transferred to a known good 12V power supply just in case the unit was getting something dodgy from the AOR brick but it makes no difference.
Also tried varying the signal strength by alternating between an external discone and a short whip.
Would it be a good idea to roll back the firmware?