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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Oct 23, 2017
Can you hear them with a scanner?
If the answer is no, they're using encryption.
If the answer is yes, then
Can you hear them with a Motorola radio?
If the answer is no, they're using RAS


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2003
Southwest Pa
Can you hear them with a scanner?
If the answer is no, they're using encryption.
If the answer is yes, then
Can you hear them with a Motorola radio?
If the answer is no, they're using RAS
The system is definitely in the clear. I was attempting to program it into an SDS as a DMR One Frequency, with negative results. When its programmed as a conventional DMR it receives as it should.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
The system is definitely in the clear. I was attempting to program it into an SDS as a DMR One Frequency, with negative results. When its programmed as a conventional DMR it receives as it should.

With DMR one-frequency ,remember you either need to know the TG and add it or enable ID Search. Other than that, if you can hear it programmed as conventional digital but can't heard it when programmed as DMR one-freq, you've got something missing (color code, TG)



Premium Subscriber
Aug 15, 2006
York, Ontario
RAS sure degrades the quality of the signal, just like ENC does. I believe it's because RAS also robs audio bits. Definitely noticeable before and after.
RAS doesn't rob audio bits. RAS just obfuscates the CRC so the receiving radio is unable to validate it, thus ignores it assuming it's a bad decode. Encryption does use bit robbing, but not in a manner that is going to affect anything. That is to say, if the signal is so poor that encryption causes it to fail, it was already too weak in the first place.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 6, 2005
RAS affects a scanner's ability to decode properly with even modest loss in signal strength, I have also witnessed countless times where Enh Privacy makes the voice noticeably distorted (on radios), and especially in the last 25% or so of it's useful range. When we un-checked the EP, it cleared right up. P25 doesn't have this issue, but Mototrbo absolutely does


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Radios and scanners always use FEC, forward error correction, to restore databits that have been received distorted. You will always have data errors using radio signals, except when the signal are totally noise free at full signal strength. Not using the proper RAS key will need the checksums to be ignored and will then disable the FEC feature and practically reduce the quality of the received signal.

I see indications that Uniden scanners falsely thinks it detects a RAS system and disables FEC incorrectly.

For the non working OFT programming, have only one frequency and one site programmed and at Hold when testing it out. Look at the detailed display when testing as a conventional channel to see what color code are used. If you in OFT have both slots monitored and IDSearch enabled it should monitor it.

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 6, 2005
I wish there were a way to enter the RAS value into a scanner. I am an authorized user / tech on some systems using RAS, and it would be nice to get comparable audio quality


Premium Subscriber
Aug 15, 2006
York, Ontario
I wish there were a way to enter the RAS value into a scanner. I am an authorized user / tech on some systems using RAS, and it would be nice to get comparable audio quality
If you're an authorized user, why not use a real radio as opposed to a scanner?


Premium Subscriber
Aug 15, 2006
York, Ontario
Also, audio frames don't get affected by RAS. That is only applied to the link control messages. RAS has zero impact on audio quality. If you're experiencing audio issues, it isn't because of RAS.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 6, 2005
If you're an authorized user, why not use a real radio as opposed to a scanner?
Well, I do. But I also like experimenting. I am wanting to see if I can get the scanner to work properly with RAS on my stuff, not only for monitoring, but also so it will hopefully work properly with others, without decode issues.
But I read into your comment, and the "💩" icons that another left, guess he felt like was funny. No worries, I -can- skip over the smartass stuff, however, I am responding to it to hopefully shut that down, or make it known I am aware, so we can move past that pettiness.
Yes, I program radios, big deal. An SDS100/200 is great for monitoring and seeing what is going on with a system, even simplex DMR, in a very convenient form factor, with many features and settings included, that a radio won't show you.

I see now that I was absolutely incorrect about RAS and the voice data bits, it's the Enh. Enc. that does that. (MOT doesn't exactly share that with you) We turned ENC off, so the voice degradation and range loss due to complications with "Enc deployed as an after-though" is not an issue anymore. But the RAS does affect the scanners (SDS and TRX series) with the FEC. Turning off TG's in the TRX series isn't a very desirable way to monitor anything. I would hope a FW would be introduced in the future where the proper (known) RAS code could be entered into a scanner to help clear this up, but I am doubtful that will happen though, as this isn't something that many would actually be able to utilize. (Even though HAM radio uses it a lot also)

And interestingly enough, it seems an older XPR series portable using an early version of 16.0 will monitor a system using RAS, without the key in it, that one with later 16.0 won't. It seems as though Mot. introduced something in a FW update back in the day when RAS was brought out, that made it sound scrambled, without the proper RAS code entered. (it doesn't "mute" it?) The audio comes through pretty decent using older 16.0., without the RAS key, and no ENC used.

Is it wrong, or frowned upon to experiment? I think not. Mototrbo made radio programming interesting again back in the "narrowbanding" times. Instead of trying to be creative with different PL types, using 2 different freqs hoping for some privacy with simplex comms between 2 radios, etc., to using variable TG's, and even Enc. Mototrbo was a breath of fresh air, in a stale room of analog.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 15, 2006
York, Ontario
It's possible that around FW 16 Motorola changed the way it handled "bad decodes" of link control data. I'm guessing that since RAS does nothing to affect voice frames, older firmware still unmutes if the voice data passes a CRC check, even if the link control data does not.

RAS likely affects scanners as if it detects a bad CRC on the link control data, it doesn't do anything to correct errors with the voice frames. That is just an assumption, but it would explain why you're having audio issues with a RAS system and a scanner.

It WOULD be nice if other radio manufacturers gave the ability to "ignore bad CRC decode on link control data" or something. IE, still unmute voice that passes a CRC check but ignore the rest of it.
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