Active Member
Slowmover's comment made me think a scanner in the house probably won't pick up much skip either. I will say while the road has been quiet up here the skip has been great if you have a huge antenna on the roof and a dedicated base station. I've talked to Jamaica twice in the past week and hardly even been trying.
Skip has been huge for more than a month. The a-wipes on AM-19 several states away screw it up for local use by truckers.
Agreed that if receiver isn’t overwhelmed by Skip some hours of the day then it’s a poor radio rig. Needs help.
SSB is a better test of radio rig install & gear details. You can participate there (even if limited), you’re on the right track.
This is where a PRESIDENT McKinley is such a great low-dollar purchase. One has to get up to Amateur Radio gear to genuinely surpass it. (Why I bought one for my ex-military now airline pilot son).

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