Don Hamrick/KI5SS Independent Candidate for the U.S. Senate (Arkansas)

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 3, 2008
Kensett, Arkansas
Don Hamrick for the U.S. Senate (Arkansas)


I am from the blue collar working class of society. I have been and I still am a merchant seaman for 19 years. I am a resident of Arkansas (naturally). I am what you might call a political nobody in the eyes of career politicians because I have never before ran for or held a political office. However, I have had a Second Amendment case in the federal courts in Washington, DC the last 6 years (and still ongoing), and recently in the U.S. District Court in Little Rock. I have reached the U.S. Supreme Court on appeals three times and each time my appeal was denied. I can say without slander or libel that the federal courts are corrupt when it comes to an unrepresented civil plaintiff with a constitutional rights case such as the Second Amendment as an individual right.

I need 450 volunteers to canvas Arkansas cities and towns in all 75 counties of Arkansas for signatures of registered voters for my Independent Candidate Petition from March 2, 2008 to April 20, 2005.

That equates to just 6 volunteers for each county. However, in densely populated cities like Little Rock, Fort Smith, Hot Springs, Fayetteville, etc., the more volunteers in those cities the better and faster I can get the required 10,000 signatures of registered voters.

If I can get 450 volunteers then each volunteer will only need to get 1 Independent Candidate Petition form of 25 signatures and the job is done. If 450 volunteers can get 25 signatures then that well give me 11,250 signatures. More than enough for the 10,000 signatures I need to get my name on the ballot as an independent candidate for the U.S. Senator from Arkansas.

ARRL affiliated Amateur Radio Operators need not divulge their ARRL affiliation to participate as a volunteer to canvas for signatures of registered voters (FCC Rules & IRS Rules on 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations are not violated under these circumstances).

So, if you are interested in volunteering to canvass for 25 signatures of registered voters between March 2, 2008 and April 20, 2008 please email me at

My running for the U.S. Senate as a financially poor blue collar working class political nobody against a rich millionaire with $4 million in his political war chest for the election is your classic David and Goliath fight for public office. My Senate run may very well be a pipe dream but I will live to be an old man knowing that I at least did something and didn't have to live out my life wondering "what if I did run" if I didn't step up to the challenge.

For more info on my Second Amendment case (ignored by the NRA):

I have fought for First Amendment to petition the government for redress of grievances and Second Amendment right to openly keep and bear arms for the last 6 years.

It is because I have discovered that if you are not represented by an attorney or a political organization like the NRA and you stand up in defense of constitutional rights against government transgressions by yourself you will be ignored.

In 2006 I filed my human rights complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in Washington, DC, Petition No. 1142-06. They oversee the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in Costa Rica. I took the Second Amendment to the international level to prove the Second Amendment is an absolute human right under the Genocide Convention. My Petition is still pending at IACHR.

Back in the USA and having exhausted my judicial remedies in 2007 (federal judge just sitting on my current Second Amendment case today) I turned to U.S. Rep. Marion Berry from Arkansas and U.S. Senator Mark Pryor from Arkansas with my "Private Bill" for a legislative remedy. Both rejected my Private Bill.

For my research on the decline of the Private Bill from 1946 to 2007 go here:

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