1/4 Wave VHF antennas
The antenna you are inquiring about is the Antenna Specialists ASP-7495 VHF 1/4 wave mobile. They are not base loaded, they have a heavy wound spring that mounts on a phenolic black plastic base that appears to be a base load, but is only a mounting assembly.
This is the standard antenna supplied by the Motorola shops when they install a Motorola ASTRO VHF Spectra as part of the statewide LAWNET or FIRENET system.
The local agency can opt out and keep their old antenna (if it is in good shape) or specify a new but different style (at their own expense) at the time of install.
Motorola uses a proprietary part number for the antenna and cable, my shop obtains ours from TESSCO.
A local source for you would be Two-Way Communications Service Co. in Newington, NH at 603-431-6288.
E-mail me if you would like any more particulars on this antenna.