DPS 800mhz

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TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
well once again today 11/14/11 i was going out my front door and dps keyed-up in tyler on 800mhz digital! and like i said i live in waco tx

It is a regional system, and so long as an actual radio is tuned to the talkgroup, i.e. DPS Tyler, it can appear anywhere the system covers. The TxWARN system you are listening to covers a large swath of east and southeast Texas, as well as some central Texas areas like Brenham, Bryan/CS, Waco, and as far north as Weatherford. If a trooper in Waco wants to listen to DPS Tyler, all he or she has to do is simply tune the radio to the DPS Tyler channel. Much like cell phones. All you need is a tower.


Feb 24, 2001
Same here in north Texas. They routinely bouncing back and forth between Collin Co 800 and DPS VHF channels (as well as other area counties 800 & VHF SO channels).

Ya gotta remember that DPS are the Accident Investigators for many counties. Collin, Fannin, Grayson, Cooke ect. Counties that don't have AI's in house. Because of that when say CCSO Dispatches a wreck in Melissa, its going to be the Trooper investigating it. So the Trooper will generally hop to the County channel or system during that event. They will also hop over for in-house checks on suspects. The rest of their activity (Traffic Enforcement) is all done on the MDC and in P25 with their Dispatch centers. With the new in-car computers DPS really don't need to use local radio systems as they did in the past. They have messaging capabilities with other Troopers via MDC so they really arn't on the other radios like they used to be.


CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX
well once again today 11/14/11 i was going out my front door and dps keyed-up in tyler on 800mhz digital! and like i said i live in waco tx

This is nothing unusual on trunking systems that cover a large area. In fact, that's the whole point of the system is to offer wide area communications. Like I said before, more than likely he's communicating on his VHF radio to Tyler DPS Dispatch and it is being routed/patched/linked to the Tyler TxWARN site through the DPS Comm Center in Tyler. That's the beauty of P25 (and other digital protocols for that matter).


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
i understand what you are saying about txwarn covering a very large area,but i guess what im trying to say is:eek:ut of the 10yrs i been listening to scanners i never heard dps in 800mhz.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
hijack a thread

man you all got me on this hijack a thread stuff! i have no idea of what you guys are talking about.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
program pro-197

well i finish programming my pro-197 with you guys help! now i see how it goes programming the new digital 800mhz frequencies.now i need to learn how that programmable led light work! you know that led light thats green,red, blue, yellow etc? i need to learn how that go now.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
im trying to figure-out how that led light work on my pro-197,but anit nobody got back with me on it. seem like when i send messages through that texas forum deal i can't get a response from nobody.


CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX

To get to any of the programming (of anything) press "Pgm." From their your soft keys change. When you press any button on these units, focus on the soft keys. That's where your options lie.

From there you have 3 options:

1. You can create a new object by pressing "F1" for "NEW." Any new object, like a conventional repeater, a new talkgroup on any trunked system, or a new trunked system can be added from here.

2. You can edit any object by pressing "F2" for "EDIT." Any object can be edited here, like a conventional repeater, a talkgroup on a trunked system, or the trunked system itself.

3. You can change any GLOBal settings. By global they mean, relating to scanner performance, and affecting/changing values relating to scanner performance. Press "F3" for "GLOB."

Once you press F1, it asks what type of new object you want to create; TGRP= talkgroup; CONV= conventional simplex/duplex frequencies; SRCH=Search- any new search type, similar to the physical "Srch" button on the unit.

Once you press F2, your soft keys change and you have many options of what you want to edit. Scroll left or right with the arrow pad to see the options. This is where you'll do most of your editing.

For changing the LED color just manually pause on the object. So if you wanted to change the LED color for the Tyler DPS talkgroup on TxWARN, wait until you hear it and press "PSE" for pause (or press "MAN"ual and use the arrows to go find it in the memory layout), and press "Pgm." From here, notice the F1-F3 soft keys. Select EDIT, then select CURRent (since you want to edit the object you are currently on) then scroll down through the object edit menu until you see LED color and the other LED characteristics. Make sure you "Save" (F1) the changes you've made.

Start messing around (but not too much in the "GLOB"al menu because it can really cause you- and subsequently us- headaches).


Nov 20, 2011
DPS and 800mhz

Let me see if I can shed some light on a few things. I am an avid radio nerd and have a little inside information. DPS has an interoperability with all it's stations and can control any station or repeater with any other station. I am in the Houston area and Houston is controlling Conroe and the Huffman repeater. That is supposed to be a permanent thing. DPS is moving to 800 MHz. It is a pretty slow process and will be simulcasting on VHF P25 until the changeover is complete. Currently, the change will happen first in larger metro areas due to the presence of 800 MHz systems in the areas. It will then move out to more dual areas. As it stands right now, DPS Troopers and the communication facilities have the ability to talk to ANY law enforcement agency in the state and even some out of state near the borders of Texas. The infrastructure will be capable of VHF analog, 700, 800, and 900 MHz digital and/or trunked and will also cover systems already in place like P25 and EDACS. I think the only analog freqs being used still are TX Law 1 and 2 and the VHF Air for the aircraft. I hope all this helped as I am posting this from my phone and my thumbs are starting to cramp.
73's and Semper Fi.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
programming pro-197

texasemt13! well i followed what you explain to me about the led light and again it worked so once again buddy thanks for your help.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
programming pro-197

texasemt13! okay like i said i learn how to do the led lights on the pro-197. but i want to know why when i put the new 800mhz digital frequencies in a another bank[bank 2] why when i go to bank 2 it said's nothing enable? im still hearing the new 800mhz frequencies,but you know when you look at the lcd screen it has 123456789! okay why when i press 1 to take bank one out and go to bank 2 it said's nothing enable?


CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX
KF5CYE (man that's not too far off from my call),

This is basically what we have been saying/seeing for awhile. I think the confusion (or grey area even) is whether DPS will outright own/manage/employ the system. The further we progress into large P25 WACNs in metro areas, the more I believe that DPS will cohabitate some of these systems but won't control all of them outright (except in the more rural areas).


CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX
yungchin, lets move all of your conversations to your other thread "program pro-197." I'll answer all your programming related questions there. To continue in this thread the conversation should be about DPS and their rumored/supposed/potential/inevitable migration to 800MHz.


Nov 20, 2011
DPS is setting up their own 800 MHz infrastructure that they will own. They already have the ability to use the systems that are already in place like EDACS in Houston. That is just so they can communicate with the other agencies though. They are setting up their own system on 800 to replace the VHF P25 that they currently use. The patrol cars have the motorola apx-7500 radios but use an integrated control head that looks like an airplane HUD. It controls all the lights, siren, and radio functions and is a complete piece of crap that only works when it wants to.


Feb 24, 2001
DPS is setting up their own 800 MHz infrastructure that they will own. They already have the ability to use the systems that are already in place like EDACS in Houston. That is just so they can communicate with the other agencies though. They are setting up their own system on 800 to replace the VHF P25 that they currently use. The patrol cars have the motorola apx-7500 radios but use an integrated control head that looks like an airplane HUD. It controls all the lights, siren, and radio functions and is a complete piece of crap that only works when it wants to.

Last I had heard was DPS would be 700/800 in the Metro area's and High band VHF P25 Conventional and Trunked in the rural area's but that it would be years before all of that was built.


CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX
Found this...

I've read this exact paragraph before (back when it came out), but this quote is from the Texas Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP) August 2010:

Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS): Texas DPS is the primary public safety first responder agency for the state covering 254 counties with approximately 3,000 patrol officers. DPS’s major communications challenges include console functionality and interoperability. DPS plans to network its existing 32 communications facilities to maximize existing resources and facilitate interoperability. DPS is in the process of implementing a VHF P25 conventional radio system. As more users are converted to the system the need for additional frequencies has become increasingly evident. Currently, DPS has limited ability to contact other agencies or officers who operate on a trunked radio system. DPS will migrate toward a statewide hybrid trunked radio system utilizing 700 MHz where feasible. DPS networked five communications facilities into the Harris County Regional Radio System and two communications facilities into the City of Austin/Travis County Regional Radio System for interoperability.
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