DSDPlus.siteloader file says:
; DSD+ system/site loader file
; you can edit this file while DSD+ is running
; line format:
; trunked network entries:
; protocol, networkID, 0, "network name"
; trunked site entries:
; protocol, networkID, siteNumber, "site name"
; for TIIIStd and TIIInonStd, add TIII model code (T/S/L/H) before networkID
; for TIIIStd, siteNumber format = area.site
; for TIIInonStd, siteNumber format = site
; conventional channel entries:
; Conventional, pseudoNID, pseudoSiteNumber, "frequencyInMHZ protocol channelName"
; note: "Conventional" can be shortened to "Conv"
; recognized conventional channel protocol names:
; Analog (NFM analog)
; FM (NFM analog)
; AM (AM analog - must be supported by FMPx)
; D-Star
; Fusion
; NXDN48
; NXDN96
; dPMR
; ProVoice
; trunked site entries can be copied directly from your DSDPlus.sites file
; frequency data for P25 trunked sites has to be present in the DSDPlus.P25data file;
; manually tune to P25 control channels to auto-build the DSDPlus.P25data file
; frequency data for non-P25 trunked sites has to be present in the DSDPlus.frequencies file;
; this data has to be manually added to the DSDPlus.frequencies file by you
; frequency data for conventional channels must be present
; in every conventional channel entry in this file.
; Conventional channel data does not have to be added to any other DSD+ data file
; data for any site or channel can be present more than once,
; i.e. favorite / frequently monitored channels/sites could be duplicated at the top of this file
; examples:
; P25, BEE11.123, 0, "Mulberry PS"
; P25, BEE11.123, 1.1, "North"
; P25, BEE11.123, 2.2, "South"
; Con+, 1234, 0, "ACME"
; Con+, 1234, 1, "Site 1"
; Con+, 1234, 1, "Site 2"
; Conv, 1, 1, "119.150 AM ATIS"
; Conv, 1, 2, "163.830 P25 FBI"
; Conv, 1, 3, "443.900 D-Star"
; Conv, 1, 4, "442.200 Fusion"
; Conv, 1, 5, "462.500 DMR"
; Conv, 1, 6, "455.100 NXDN48"
; Conv, 1, 11, "162.550 WX1"
; Conv, 1, 12, "162.400 WX2"
; Conv, 1, 13, "162.475 WX3"
; Conv, 1, 14, "162.425 WX4"
; Conv, 1, 15, "162.450 WX5"
; Conv, 1, 16, "162.500 WX6"
; Conv, 1, 17, "162.525 WX7"
; Conv, 1, 18, "161.650 WX8"
; Conv, 1, 19, "161.775 Analog WX9"
; Conv, 1, 20, "163.275 FM WX10"