Hi, all. I am (attempting to) listen to a local DMR system, however my current setup does not seem to work. I am utilizing 2 RTL-SDR dongles (1 CC, 1 VC) in a flat 16cm dipole configuration (tried vertical as well.) FWIW, I also have a 3rd dongle.
Here is a screenshot of the details for the site in question:
.bat file:
.frequencies file:
.sites file
.networks file:
Regarding the batch file, I've tried numerous configurations, keeping most of the options the same. In its current state, it will grab the rest channel briefly, then enter an (nearly) eternal death loop of "Lost rest channel." Either I've fudged something, or the signal just isn't strong enough, though I'm not so sure as it's just down the road about a mile or 2. Can't seem to dial in the gain/PPM for the VC dongle, either.
Thanks for the help.
Here is a screenshot of the details for the site in question:
.bat file:
REM Initializing Control Channel Decoder
ECHO Starting Control Channel Decoder...
START CMD /c "DSDPlus -rc -i20001 -o1 -t -E -v4"
START CMD /c "FMP24 -rc -i1 -o20001 -f463.4125 -g40 -P51 -b12.5"
REM Initializing Voice Channel Decoders
ECHO Starting Voice Channel Decoder...
START CMD /c "FMP24 -rv -i2 -o20002 -g40 -P51 -b12.5"
.frequencies file:
Cap+, <ID>, 1, 1, 461.6625, 0.0, 0
Cap+, <ID>, 1, 2, 461.8125, 0.0, 0
Cap+, <ID>, 1, 3, 463.2375, 0.0, 0
Cap+, <ID>, 1, 4, 463.4125, 0.0, 0
.sites file
Cap+, <ID>, 1, <SITE>
.networks file:
Cap+, <ID>, <SITE>
Regarding the batch file, I've tried numerous configurations, keeping most of the options the same. In its current state, it will grab the rest channel briefly, then enter an (nearly) eternal death loop of "Lost rest channel." Either I've fudged something, or the signal just isn't strong enough, though I'm not so sure as it's just down the road about a mile or 2. Can't seem to dial in the gain/PPM for the VC dongle, either.
Thanks for the help.