Hey all, relatively new to scanning, just picked up a BCD325P2 in hopes of scanning some of the departments in the Baltimore metro area. Hopefully this is the right thread location. So far I've had good luck picking up some of the regional agencies (BPD, BCFD, BCoPD).
Using ProScan software to upload systems into my scanner. I seem to be having trouble with Baltimore County's P25 system. Their PD talkgroups seem to be coming through just fine, but for some reason I'm not picking up anything on the FD side. If anyone knows why I might be encountering that issue, I'd appreciate any guidance or information. Not sure if it's user error on my end, or if there's something missing from the database that I need to update when I enter it in.
Using ProScan software to upload systems into my scanner. I seem to be having trouble with Baltimore County's P25 system. Their PD talkgroups seem to be coming through just fine, but for some reason I'm not picking up anything on the FD side. If anyone knows why I might be encountering that issue, I'd appreciate any guidance or information. Not sure if it's user error on my end, or if there's something missing from the database that I need to update when I enter it in.