At 1am for at least 30 minutes or more I kept hearing E-tones testing on TG#00-021 on Blue Simulcast.
I heard no techs speaking, just lots of random lengh very crackly sounding E-tone bursts of traffic.
I regret that I only had the wildcard on the Blue unlocked, I usually keep the Gold wildcard locked
or else I would get lots of analog TG's like SAPW, AC and the SAFD 04-021 PC Auto Dispatch, etc
I guess at some point in the RRDB this TG could be changed from "MA-Com" to "Radio Testing-1" etc.
Currently in the RRDB this TG is listed as M/A-COM1 Testing TG# 00-021 (17 for you hex folks
So a few days ago I heard some radio tech discussing how crackly and distorted the E-tone Code-3 calls
are sounding on the system. Anybody know why in the last 2 weeks the sound quality went south ?
Next time you here an SAPD Fleetwide Code-3 call on TG# 02-000 listen to how distorted it sounds !
Are these type E-tone/code-3 calls now patched by way of outer mongolia and then back by tin foil wire ?
On a side note, I'm bummed that TG# 02-041 SAPD Traf-1 Patrol is no longer mixed mode anymore
I heard no techs speaking, just lots of random lengh very crackly sounding E-tone bursts of traffic.
I regret that I only had the wildcard on the Blue unlocked, I usually keep the Gold wildcard locked
or else I would get lots of analog TG's like SAPW, AC and the SAFD 04-021 PC Auto Dispatch, etc
I guess at some point in the RRDB this TG could be changed from "MA-Com" to "Radio Testing-1" etc.
Currently in the RRDB this TG is listed as M/A-COM1 Testing TG# 00-021 (17 for you hex folks
So a few days ago I heard some radio tech discussing how crackly and distorted the E-tone Code-3 calls
are sounding on the system. Anybody know why in the last 2 weeks the sound quality went south ?
Next time you here an SAPD Fleetwide Code-3 call on TG# 02-000 listen to how distorted it sounds !
Are these type E-tone/code-3 calls now patched by way of outer mongolia and then back by tin foil wire ?
On a side note, I'm bummed that TG# 02-041 SAPD Traf-1 Patrol is no longer mixed mode anymore
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