Pretty decent price! DO these suffer from the dead-battery 'brain death' that the other radios in the series can encounter? My 271a has one of the replacement EPROM boards that won't go potato on proactive on this if you need to.
I got my hands on a vacuum desoldering station and just recapped my 1985 R-7000 for the fourth time. I worried about the battery issue a lot, but found several sources that did not appear to be circular references that state that the battery only holds the memory functions, not the operating routine. This appears to be the case.
I have not changed my battery (yet... if ever...) and the unit works fine now with good sensitivity considering I did the whole mod (every electrolytic using the VE3PVS capacitor package, not just the DC : DC converters). Everything works fine now, except my vision, which was a lot better 30 years ago.
My only issue now is that I live in an 800 MHz digital trunked area and there is relatively little to listen to on it these days, as compared to when I bought it.
Now, my IC-751A is a different story. I bought a Piexx board for that
when that ultimately goes out.