Interesting....Wil Rogers dispatcher just said one M/A-Com tech is there, and another is on the way to determine the cause of the garbling....that tech told the dispatcher that he was not hearing anything wrong on his handheld while he was on the way in.
I guess someone else did hear what I was hearing.
Thayne, I agree...has nothing to do with the system being Provoice...has everything to do with the system being digital. It is exactly what you might hear on your cell phone, for example, when the signal is less-than-optimum. The difference in this case is that it has been happening with a regularity last night and today that we haven't heard before.
A low signal reduces bandwidth, but RF saturation seems not to be an issue at all. I haven't heard anyone complain that they have experienced any low spots. The only issue I still hear about with regularity is where there is sometimes no audio when someone transmits. That still seams to be happening. You'll see the radio ID on the display, see the BSY light, but won't hear audio. The next time that user transmits, you hear them just fine. At least on the surface, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for that issue.