Re the Passband tuning being missing- I've discussed this with Dan R and I think what might have happened was that Drake (which was heavily involved with the original E1) stopped Eton from using it in this receiver because of copyright issues (or similar). Not that Drake hasn't been out of the HF world for quite a while now, but....Anyway, I'm willing to bet that the Eton engineers that worked on the new radio didn't understand how it worked, so they basically punted. This radio could have been an easy flagship, but instead it wound up being the Titanic. All they would have had to do was to rework the radio for today's components, fix the bugs (and WHY pray tell is there STILL no carrying handle??) and release it as an E2. it's not likely to be that simple, of course, as it's a vast oversimplification, but it would seem the logical approach