Have you created a Favorite List, edited the channel or talkgroups Volume Offset level for the troubled channel/talkgroup? Not sure what the issue is with Squelch increments is, because I have always left it at 2?For example:
Hard to know how bad the volume range changes without having one in your hand. Hard to know how bad the squelch increments are without trying it yourself...I could go on.
Just because I may not know the details in an out of this series yet doesn't make me a consumer without a valid complaint.
As far as consumer complaint goes, we here aren't employees of Uniden, or portray ourselves as one. I'm not sure how long you've owned the scanner, how much time you've dedicated to programming it etc. But what I can say here is, if you start a thread with an issue, you have a few of us make suggestions on how to arrive at that programming goal, then either take the advice and try it, or don't and remain frustrated.