This has been a fun topic, as such emotion charged things can do when they take on a life of their own.
In my own opinion, and as one that has been a pardner in a few Petition for Rule Making *- for all the above reasons- this one was RDOA- 'really dead on arrival. '
That 25 wpm code ID'ing alone shows the Petitioner's ignorance of the law. That is something that demonstrates their lack of thought that went into writing this thing. In a serious arena, you don't go throwing out ham-hand'd ideas and expect them to receive serious consideration.
Thank you W9BU, for bring everyone's feet back to earth
* I was part of one years ago, and the process taught me quite a lesson in the FCC bureaucracy. As an innocent college student, I and some friends decided to petition the the FCC to add an additional class of license- a "low speed Extra class"-- tho we called it something else; the name of which is now lost to time. We thought it made perfect sense-
If you were a General or Advanced Class with an already 13 wpm credit (like we did- petitions can be so self serving

,) by passing just the written portion of the Extra Class exam, you'd gain Extra Class 'phone privileges, sans the code sub bands.
Why, we argue'd, did you need 20 wpm of code speed to talk on phone? We referred to the new two types of Extras as "Extra Lite" and "Extra Heavy"- sort'a like beer... We didn't call it that in our FCC petition, but it probably wouldn't have hurt our Snow-ball's Chance-in-H proposal.
In those days you had to submit multiple copies of your petition- one for each Commissioner, one for the Chair, the Co-Chair..and probably one for each member of the janitorial staff as well. The huge package of papers was sent off to the Government, and in time, it was duly assigned a "RM" number. Then later a "Notice of Rule Making" or whatever, was published..... afterwards it all languished interminably in some file cabinet (picture the closing scene of the warehouse in the movie
Raider's of the Lost Ark.)
One day when I had quite forgot it, we received a letter. It was rejected- with no further explanation- they had simply rejected it- end of story.
Years later, and miles wiser, I got suck'd into co-author'ng another hair brained (tho not at the time, or so it seem'd to us)- petition. It flopped at first blush too.
Today I earn my bread as an over paid government spokes-woman for many things technical. A good portion of my energy is officially spent on the Cocktail DC circuit (did
That Censorship bugger chop my word up Again !?... Yes it did !... Awwww, geeez--confused? think 'Rooster tail.')
Believe me, on these 'circuits' I have heard far worse, far more Mickey Mouse ideas to change our way of life than this RM-11826.... and these ideas are coming from supposedly serious, intelligent people.
Be very thankful that everything we think we want we don't get