What frequencies are we talkin here?What area even better-
Area of operation, Chicago. Don't know what frequency band was used. Only heard video/audio channel references.
I suspect operation in one of the followng bands:
Band Freq Low Freq High
in (GHz)
L-Band 1.755 - 1.85
S-Band 2.2 - 2.4
C-Band 4.4 - 5.0
X-Band 8.1 - 8.5
Other reports from this thread fall in same.
Band information from:
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Quantico Contracts Unit
Engineering Research Facility
Request for Proposal (RFP) E007216R (136 pgs)
April 15, 2009
"The Federal Bureau of Investigation solicits your proposal for the acquisition of video
transmitters, receivers and ancillary equipment and services. Enclosed is Request For
Proposal E007216R."
From what I've read and heard, I believe UC camera and video encoder worn by CI to be AXIS Communications M7001 Video Encoder with covert camera:
Press material | Axis Communications
Ground (TOCK or TAC? ID) video/audio surveillance unit reported no video/audio reception from F/W Lima at FL6000, same report at FL4000.
About three years ago I heard LIMA reference "live video being monitored at Chicago Division" LIMA was above Schaumburg, IL.