wow. 340 views. no reply. the last time i see that 138.225 has been used is 2005. not sure if should enter it into the scanner
do they still use 138.225 or 141.875? or have they switch to 162-174 frequencies for nationwide primary? thanks
Also, FEMA does use SatRad (Satellite Radio) to talk to State EOCs.... Every State EOC is equipped with one.
they get thousands of frequencies.
since i started listening i have vacuumed up frequencies.
i don't delete them.
even under the thunderbirds i have a 66 Mhz freq.
i never heard a thing there, but, maybe one day...
just like the folks that want the pl tone.
if it gets changed you get nothing.
i would leave it in, no matter what.
I know nothing about radios.
Was just hoping for some juicy FEMA audio/gossip.
I hear FEMA daily on UHF, completely encrypted. Nary a peep on the old VHF stuff.
FAS has a long list of FEMA freqs but note that many will not be used at all, unless there is a massive deployment in your area.
You can find them on this website under Nationwide frequencies. In my experience the channel numbers are incorrect, but the NACs and frequencies are in use.
Other than the HF, the VHF/UHF are well out of date