First Time GRE user

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2016
Oklahoma City
I've been scanning for around 3-4 years on Uniden radio, however, I was just given a GRE PSR 800 but am stumped on how to use it. Are there not scanlists like the Unidens where I choose what lists are on and what are off?

I have Fort Worth and Arlington Fire departments (TX) programmed in the radio, but left the Houston TGs that were already on it as I need to keep them for when I am down there. For some reason, all of my scan lists are being scanned though, even when there is no checkmark next to the list? Perhaps I'm programming the radio wrong or using it wrong? I know that all of the lists are scanning because 1 through 150 show up and scroll through, but only 3 & 4 have checks next to them (the lists I want to scan).

Thank you for your help in advance!


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2016
Not like a uniden at all, let me know if the boot screen has the Whistler logo.


May 23, 2017
Vrigo Super Cluster, Milky Way Galaxy, Sagatarious
GRE / Whistler are actually Easier to use than Uniden and I actually Perfer the EZ scan Software to Sentinel.
GRE is fully Supported by Whistler and you should get a Legacy Upgrade to the scanner, to be able to use the TRX EZ scan software and to Receive DMR. your GRE PSR 800 is a good scanner for P25 Phase I only.
but its Similar to my Radio Shack PRO 668 - and the Scanlists work like this, the Scanlists are "banks" where you store Frequency for Zipcode Programing (NOT RECOMENDED) , and for Programming County/Cities (ONE Per Scanlist), you can also just place a Single System in a Scanlist.
After you Update the Database, Firmware, CPU and the DSP , you should Update your Scan Library , by Selecting Library Import in the Software.
you should in Software, you should NAME your Scanlists , they should be the same as your Scanner.
you should also in software , select the Catagories you want to Monitor.
once that is Done , you can Program your scanner by going to Playlists , then for Each City/County you want to monitor, put its Name in the Scanlist (ONE per City/County), or System.
then, go to Browse Library and select USA, your State, then Agencies/County-City/Systems, program those you want to Monitor.
When in County Folder its Alphabetical, and it will give you Agencies/Catagories/ Systems, go through each to Program your Scanner.
Whistler Group has a WS 1080 video on YOUTUBE that Introduces what your PSR 800 can do , ZIP SCANNERS also has a YOUTUBE video on the S 1080 Scanner , which is like your PSR 800.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2016
The Psr-800 will do P25 p2
I asked about the Whistler logo because there was hack out that makes it a whistler ws1080 and then there is the official legacy upgrade via Whistler. if either of these are done then the scanner uses ezscan for the ws1080 which is a bit different then the software gre used.

Also with the upgrade to ws1080 you get all current and future updates from whistler that greatly help the scanner with dozens of CPU firmware fixes and many DSP firmware updates.
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