I've been scanning for around 3-4 years on Uniden radio, however, I was just given a GRE PSR 800 but am stumped on how to use it. Are there not scanlists like the Unidens where I choose what lists are on and what are off?
I have Fort Worth and Arlington Fire departments (TX) programmed in the radio, but left the Houston TGs that were already on it as I need to keep them for when I am down there. For some reason, all of my scan lists are being scanned though, even when there is no checkmark next to the list? Perhaps I'm programming the radio wrong or using it wrong? I know that all of the lists are scanning because 1 through 150 show up and scroll through, but only 3 & 4 have checks next to them (the lists I want to scan).
Thank you for your help in advance!
I have Fort Worth and Arlington Fire departments (TX) programmed in the radio, but left the Houston TGs that were already on it as I need to keep them for when I am down there. For some reason, all of my scan lists are being scanned though, even when there is no checkmark next to the list? Perhaps I'm programming the radio wrong or using it wrong? I know that all of the lists are scanning because 1 through 150 show up and scroll through, but only 3 & 4 have checks next to them (the lists I want to scan).
Thank you for your help in advance!