Smiles, RFI.....
There is nothing like your tale to evoke antenna stories. I fear they may be scaring some reader..... but that's intention, No?.... (smiling)
At the outset, I'd say to anyone thinking of using an old tower - really know what you're doing. If I recall from memory, one of the big commercial manufacturers specifically warns against it, not to mention the dangers in disassembling a standing tower. All that said, I just put up one, although only 40-some feet high.
OMG, what a nightmare to climb 300 feet high and have a rott'd section buckle!
I think this is about all I can say on the subject... it really doesn't need much embellishment-- A good sense of imagination fills in the rest.
----- Oh, except for one or two of my anecdotes.....

The first tower story I only saw after the event. It was in Florida, east of Tampa. My geographical knowledge of Florida is very limited, but I think it fell within the boundaries of "Sink Hole Alley." Well, it doesn't take much imagination as to what became of the tower one of our contractors installed. One day it was a 100 foot tower; overnite it became a 10 footer.
"Barbi," my friend and colleague, on visiting the site, report'd
"Damn antenna, Heap Gone!"
The other, a second one (Oh, I've plenty of others but I'll spare everyone

) was during a stay out on a site in the Marshall Islands. We had a DoE research station on one of the northern atolls, and at this station there was a big log periodic a-top of a 80 foot tower (for HF radio.) On this occasion, except for the station manager and his wives (yes, you read that right,) I was by myself that tour.
We'll call him Bill. Bill, the Manager- he admonish'd me; "Lauri, Do Not to turn that beam!!"
Why, he didn't elaborate , but I think he mumbled something about "salt spay" and "corrosion."
Well, its not what you're are thinking- I didn't have to touch it. A tropical storm brew up a few nites later; ---- it was a very dark, and I was alone in the radio "shack," listening to shortwave. The howling wind was causing the quonset hut roof's cables tie-downs to actually sing.
Then began a series of crashes, each louder that the next, as big, heavy things fell on top of that hut. The screaming wind, the pitch black night, and huge, thudding objects had me scared! I knew right above me a mammoth beam was about to coming crashing down thru the roof. I wasn't going to wait for that!
Out the hut door --- running across the courtyard towards my quarters, just being miss'd an element of that beam that came hurdling down at me............
"Ahi !!... Mi Querido!" ... my thoughts all in a jumble ....
It was now very clear why these stations had body bags among the other items no one talks about.
The next morning the tower and its beam were nothing more than a tangle of aluminum, guy wires and cables, draped all over the radio "shack."
Bill's comment ...."Humpf- salt spray does that every time."