Flint EMC
Flint Electric Membership Corporation still has two VHF frequencies licensed which are 153.7100 and 158.2350, but it appears they have switched to a multi-site UHF trunked radio system, possibly a LTR System, covering several counties. Check the following frequencies for activity in these counties:
In Chattahoochee County: 451.9000, 452.6500, 453.0000, 461.9375, 463.3125;
In Clay County: 451.9625, 452.2375, 452.7000, 461.3875, 461.6625;
In Houston County: 451.9125, 452.2625, 452.8000, 461.3750, 461.8625;
In Macon County: 451.7875, 452.3875, 453.0125, 461.7625, 462.0125;
In Taylor County: 451.9375, 461.0500, 461.6875, 461.9500, 463.2125.
Hope this helps.