Flamingo+ FM - Broadcast FM Bandstop Filter v2 (FM Notch Filter) for Software Defined Radio (RTL-SDR) Applications. Blocks Problematic 88-108MHz Frequencies from your SMA-Connected Radio
Just a few minutes after starting this thread I found an old (2021) thread on RR and indeed the Minicircuit filter seems to be the winner compared to a few others.
Yes, look at the diagrams in that thread how filters cuts the frequency below and above the broadcast band and choose the one that doesn't attenuate the frequencies you want to receive. If your closest FM broadcast transmitters are far away then you don't need a very deep filter, less costly, and usually it will then also attenuate less of you monitored frequencies.
I need both my local airport at 118MHz to be received as well as systems in the 86MHz range so I have to choose wisely.