FM Trap For Airband

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Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
You obviously are having RFI issues with your indoor antenna-something is getting into the front end of the radio and killing signals. If you took the whole shebang outside that environment, it would likely receive better. I bought a RS 20-176 a while back cause it's cheap and I was bored, tried it inside here on the bc785d and my olld handheld Pro-62 was getting way more on all bands off its little dukky than that "base" scanner antenna was. Your environment is key-and if you can, I'd try to get the antenna outside somehow.


Silent Key
Feb 27, 2011
Beavertown Pa.


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
I lived a good distance from our hospital and was getting hammered from their paging system 152.175
ordered a notch filter from par and i can sit in front of said hospital and NO intermod. you can drive a vw or a caddy sts your choice.


Absolutely, positively agree about PAR Electronics, Dale is awesome. I have numerous off the shelf and custom filters from him and they all perform quite well.


Sep 15, 2007
Largo, Fl
I know this may be alittle off topic.. I always wondered how folks know what is causing their intermod. How did you find out what it was? I also wanted to ask, I will be running two scanners off this one antenna. Will I need something like this? I ask because I just got that FM trap and I have heard you do not want to amp it.. Sorry very confused on this :confused:
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The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
I know this may be alittle off topic.. I always wondered how folks know what is causing their intermod. How did you find out what it was?

For me, I have the advantage of having a spectrum analyzer. I see what signals are "smokin" and make a cheapie open-stub notch and see if that helps. If it does I know what type of filter of purchase.

If you don't have a S/A it can be tricky, but if you suspect FM broadcast desense I would make an open-stub and see if that helps. Then you can decide whether you want to go the R/S filter or PAR quality route (depends on how serious you take scanning...and your pocketbook).


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
I know this may be alittle off topic.. I always wondered how folks know what is causing their intermod. How did you find out what it was? I also wanted to ask, I will be running two scanners off this one antenna. Will I need something like this? I ask because I just got that FM trap and I have heard you do not want to amp it.. Sorry very confused on this :confused:

And I would filter before the amp, so you reduce the chance of saturating your amplifier.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Apr 24, 2011
Easley S.C.
Par all the way here. I have a NOAA tower on top of Paris mountain here that not only can i see, but I think it keeps my house warm in the winter! I called Dale and he made a trap for me with the local Noaa and also a FM Trap. Two separet traps. What a difference.If you want to play you have to pay. But I think both traps came in shy of $100 for both.


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
I know this may be alittle off topic.. I always wondered how folks know what is causing their intermod. How did you find out what it was? I also wanted to ask, I will be running two scanners off this one antenna. Will I need something like this? I ask because I just got that FM trap and I have heard you do not want to amp it.. Sorry very confused on this :confused:

One more "and", I would shy away from the 2 and 4-port drop amps as the gain is quite high, possibly making your overload problem worse. If you are only splitting 2 ways go with a good quality passive splitter, if you need more ports go with an 8-way drop amp.

As always, YMMV.


Dec 26, 2007
Eastern, NC
yea guys im looking at getting me a tower up about 30' when it warms up some more and my money situation gets better not quite sure if im going to run lmr400 to both radios or just to the 800 omni and then like rg6qs to sputnik


Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
yea guys im looking at getting me a tower up about 30' when it warms up some more and my money situation gets better not quite sure if im going to run lmr400 to both radios or just to the 800 omni and then like rg6qs to sputnik
Hey if you can get a tower up in the spring, you can get the sputter up somewhere outside now. And don't count out lmr240-a thinner version of the 400 with near identical #s. I use it. Very good coax and not as expensive. Weatherproof and buryable too.


Jul 26, 2011
Broken Arrow, Ok
I know this may be alittle off topic.. I always wondered how folks know what is causing their intermod. How did you find out what it was? I also wanted to ask, I will be running two scanners off this one antenna. Will I need something like this? I ask because I just got that FM trap and I have heard you do not want to amp it.. Sorry very confused on this :confused:

I learned mine by using the tune function and setting squelch to zero. It took time but i went threw the bands i was having trouble hearing. When i did this, i could hear alot of talking, talking that is more like a radio station. Well, my scanner was in my car so i drove around and discovered i was picking up radio stations. After i discovered this, i made this post and ended up buying the RS FM trap! Worked 80% well for me. Still could hear some STRONG radio stations but that was it. I was happy with my setup so i kept it. Now, i live in a new state and only listen to 800mhz so the trap really has no help anymore, until i visit the city i did live in again! HAHA


Sep 15, 2007
Largo, Fl
Thanks for all your help everyone.. @Kevin C, Yes I will only be splitting between 2 Scanners. What do you recommend for a passive splitter? Would This work?
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Sep 21, 2004
Gentleman, Swa the post about a FM trap for monitoring the vhf air band on 108-136Mhz AM. I live in a area on Metro Indianapolis area and I am in the flight pattern for Indianapolis International Airport. I have a lccal FM radio station at 107.9 FM. If you can find a Grove model FTR-100 tuneable notch filter tune for 90-174Mhz. I tuned this around to 115 Mhz and boom the interference from 107.9FM has gone away. I bought mine at a hamest here two year back and it works great.Ibought mine for $10.00 You might look for one of these at your local hamfest or you can find one for sale on the classifeds here on


Aug 14, 2013
Fort Ann, NY 12827
I read the comments of "ridgescan" who then credited the comment he read by ""wise871" on the advantages of using an FM trap and so I thought I would try it. I recently got a Bearcat 15X scanner and one of my ardent long-term hobbies besides amateur radio [K2AJL] is flight simulation which has come a LONG way in its sophistication but my point here is that through the flight sim hobby, I naturally like to listen to the "real McCoy", as they say, on the airband but even with an external and dedicated airband antenna, the number of scanner lock-outs was right up there because all that was present was RF hash on far too many airband frequencies. To make a long story short, I installed a $4.99 [plus tax] Radio Shack FM trap [with the necessary BNC adapter] and the difference was absolutely amazing! Amazing! Then, [sort of like the old classic axiom, you know, "... when all else fails, read the manual ... " only in this case I used the internet as the "manual", anyway, when I did some research on FM interference, you learn at once that it's hardly limited to 'just' powerful FM broadcast station interference on VHF but an even worse culprit are paging systems a la mode and a veritable laundry list of FM wireless gizmos which can greatly interfere or literally knock-out airband VHF frequency reception to include airband TRACON repeaters.

One last word -- there are, of course, better [read: pricier] FM traps, some even adjustable, but I would recommend first going the inexpensive way and try the $4.99 RS FM trap if ONLY to see the difference and if you 'do' see a decided difference in reception [as I did and was literally amazed at the difference and, BTW, of my former =18= purposely locked out airband frequencies, NONE are presently locked out after the FM trap was installed!], then you can look around, if even needed, for the better quality or indeed tunable or, shall we say, more professionally engineered FM traps ... and the decidedly extra cost therein. For me, $5 did the trick. Doc Tony, K2AJL


Premium Subscriber
Aug 14, 2006
Clark County, NV.
I read the comments of "ridgescan" who then credited the comment he read by ""wise871" on the advantages of using an FM trap and so I thought I would try it. I recently got a Bearcat 15X scanner and one of my ardent long-term hobbies besides amateur radio [K2AJL] is flight simulation which has come a LONG way in its sophistication but my point here is that through the flight sim hobby, I naturally like to listen to the "real McCoy", as they say, on the airband but even with an external and dedicated airband antenna, the number of scanner lock-outs was right up there because all that was present was RF hash on far too many airband frequencies. To make a long story short, I installed a $4.99 [plus tax] Radio Shack FM trap [with the necessary BNC adapter] and the difference was absolutely amazing! Amazing! Then, [sort of like the old classic axiom, you know, "... when all else fails, read the manual ... " only in this case I used the internet as the "manual", anyway, when I did some research on FM interference, you learn at once that it's hardly limited to 'just' powerful FM broadcast station interference on VHF but an even worse culprit are paging systems a la mode and a veritable laundry list of FM wireless gizmos which can greatly interfere or literally knock-out airband VHF frequency reception to include airband TRACON repeaters.

One last word -- there are, of course, better [read: pricier] FM traps, some even adjustable, but I would recommend first going the inexpensive way and try the $4.99 RS FM trap if ONLY to see the difference and if you 'do' see a decided difference in reception [as I did and was literally amazed at the difference and, BTW, of my former =18= purposely locked out airband frequencies, NONE are presently locked out after the FM trap was installed!], then you can look around, if even needed, for the better quality or indeed tunable or, shall we say, more professionally engineered FM traps ... and the decidedly extra cost therein. For me, $5 did the trick. Doc Tony, K2AJL

I could not agree more. Makes me wonder why Uniden and GRE did not have that option in the scanner in the first place. The problem is not new and modern scanners should have at least an FM trap switch. I have also tried the RS traps and moved up to the PAR FM trap and another trap for 162. Like others have said and I also found out from experience the PAR filters are awesome and you really get what you pay for. Dale is great for customer service as well. So for those that need to figure stuff out he can help.


Dec 19, 2002
north las vegas nv
does anyone know a good trap for reducing 190 to 205 or so enterference? ... on cc i find locking out the stuff in that range as they pop up causes the sig bars on vhf air to increase strength
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