Hello, I am looking for Winston Salam and or Forsyth County Info. I have seen here on the database what listed. Has anything changed? Looking for Control channels. Thanks
The entire county operates off their own trucker system located in the database
Thanks. I am in Guilford and can pick up Kernersville system, but only police. Fire is through Forsyth County stem and with Winston. I was wondering if what I see here is correct.Unless something has changed since yesterday, everything in the database is correct. The control channels are those in red and blue. They were correct as of yesterday. The entire county operates off their own trucker system located in the database
In Sentinel, make sure you program the system as Motorola, not P25. The easier way through Sentinel is by pulling the info directly from the database into your favorites list. This way programs all of the control channels and type II Motorola. Less of a chance of messing things up than programming manually.
Also, check your filters on the WS/FC simulcast site. It sounds if you are stopping on a TGID the system may be programmed correctly but audio isn't passing through because the filter isn't allowing it.
Under the simulcast site, there’s an option to set filter. The default filter is set as global, however I’ve found you’ll miss a lot of traffic using this. Depending on your area, you might find invert, wide normal, or wide invert works best. It’s just trial and error to determine what works best for you depending on your location.
It might. The WS/FC system has decent coverage in western Guilford County and high point but the further east you get (from about Wendover/UNCG area east) you’ll lose the signal. Do you have a 800mhz antenna? That might help the best if you don’t have one already.Thanks for your help. I got it working. I live just enough to loose the signal at my house. Would changing the filter setting help range?
It might. The WS/FC system has decent coverage in western Guilford County and high point but the further east you get (from about Wendover/UNCG area east) you’ll lose the signal. Do you have a 800mhz antenna? That might help the best if you don’t have one already.
Thanks, The only antenna is the one that came with the radio. What would be a good one to upgrade to and where would be a good place to look for one?
The Remtronics REM-820S is the one most often recommended for the SDS100 and is what I have. It works excellent for 700/800 mhz trunked systems, does well on UHF, and just okay on strong VHF frequencies. But, the 820s is tuned for 7/800 mhz so that is to be expected and it works great in that band. The 820S can be found on Scanner Master, Zip Scanners, as well as other places.