Does this mean that we will no longer hear Allen County fire dispatch on 154.010? I have heard them in the past from Indianapolis. Can any of our members in the Allen County/Ft.Wayne area advise on this?Thanks.
W9NES, I am BRAND NEW to the scanning, and ticked by the way about the new encryption being announced the day that I got my new 536hp. Anways, COUNTY FIRE is still able to be picked up. Not sure of frequency though, as I just used Sentinel to program it in. Hope that helps a little. Sorry I'm not more knowledgeable.
Ummmmm.... You may have just went past my knowledge level. I have heard dispatching but then again I don't have it on all the time in order to hear all transmissions. Not sure even how to check to see if there is a "controller channel" . Again, sorry. I am a complete noob but trying to learn!
OK am I correct in assuming that everything is silent on the "old system. This would explain why I am not hearing anything. Bummer What else is there to listen to?
Yes, the control channel is still active. No you will not be able to hear the individual talkgroups. However, the old conventional fire frequency is still used. So fire pagers will continue to operate. Traffic on this channel is often one-sided. And tactical fire operations are usually not heard on this frequency. And even if it is C4FM you still cannot listen to the trunked system. So basic dispatching is done by 154.010. But mostly all I have heard (or payed attention to more like it) are firegrounds not operated by the Fort Wayne fire department. So everything that pertains to the county 4 minute dispatch rule. Including the EMS' that are not operated by TRAA.
I doubt the control channel or the "system" itself will be deprecated because they like to have fallbacks.