Wonder if with Johns Creek not wanting to bid into the new system, if they will also bow out of ChatComm? And, will they continue on the Fulton system or possibly conventional?
The Fulton RFP included Johns Creek as having console access on the new system. Not sure if this means they will stick with Chatcomm or not.
IMO, the cities on the north county side are acting like total snob rear ends not wanting to join the county network. All their crying and whining about not being in control show what their problem is really all about.
At the end of the day, Fulton county OWNS the very real estate that these cities will NEED to construct a decent system when it comes to infrastructure (read: tower sites). And if I were them, I'd make them pay dearly for site leases for wanting to be a bunch of snotnoses. If you've studied the new Fulton RFP, you'll see it will have vast wide area portable coverage just as solid on the North county as it will South county and point in between.
but since those "rich" cities have it like that, let em pay for their own system. Watch the taxpayers start crying once the tab for the "Unified Radio System" come in, and they will be pretty angry when they find out that they could have saved millions and just joined the new Fulton network,
which they are paying for anyway being they are still Fulton county taxpayers. Morons.