YES, there has been significant activity in regards to that original RFP.
On Mar 28, 2017 the OKC City Council passed (9-0) a "Joint System Purchase Agreement with Harris Corporation, P25 Phase II 800 MHz Trunked Simulcast Radio System and Microwave Network, not to exceed $13,114,808.20."
Upon clicking on this simple line item in the City Council minutes there are over 12 exhibits of the contract with Harris that includes: a full system overview, interoperability using the VIDA Core, full color coverage maps, site selection, microwave network, and an equipment list describing a "Thirteen (13) site 20-Channel P25 Simulcast System."
The schedule in exhibit 4 indicates the total overall project should take 598 days but that includes the decommissioning of the legacy system. The project should be wrapping up the "Customer Design Review" and starting the manufacturing process. Actual "User Migration" should be about two years away.
This detailed info and the color maps can be found at the following City of Oklahoma City website:
Look for agenda item OCMFA C-2 and click on the link for the supporting documents.
Also: TUSA Consulting in Louisiana had their contract extended into 2018 for implementing and monitoring the city's P25 upgrade. (from the 12/5/2017 minutes)