Are the Blue Mountain & Pearcy Mountain sites live full-time now, along with Blowout on 700 Mhz? Seems like my reception has improved on the back side of the Village. Normally, we have a ridge between us & the Blowout site. Not sure if that's because 700 has better punch-thru or if Blue Mountain is filling it in. They all will be known as Garland County Simulcast sites with same frequencies.
I was looking at the new Hot Springs Simulcast license & the 3 sites will be: one on a ridge along Fox Pass, one atop the old Rehab building and one on the cell tower near Rod's Pizza. They should have a lot better coverage once they go live next year.
I agree with other posters, as long as dispatch is in the clear for PD & SO I'm happy. CID & SWAT need to be encrypted. Hope the VFD's remain clear. I'll add those TG's you mentioned for them in my FreeScan.