My first post. Tried to find a "member introduction" but no luck. I've been into radio my whole life (I'm 64) Is there a way to add this to my profile?
Anyway, I'll stick to CB radio for now. I've been on/off for years (since the late 1970s) I also got very interested in ham radio (friend had an older bother with full blown "ham shack"... serious setup with multi-band homemade quad antenna on the roof... would love to talk about that later) Like everyone else in the 70s and 80s had fun on the mobile. Years later, I got a new Cobra SSB and built my own horizontal dipole (AARL antenna handbook), mounted it on a metal pole to the metal "porch" on my upstairs apartment. No power booster! Got contact from CA to Detroit, MI. They guy asked if I had a beam... nope, just a stock radio and home-made antenna. Something about the metal porch/stairs enhanced my signal (only to the East) Anyway, been recently playing with another old Cobra mobile (no SSB
) running off a new power supply and a mag mount antenna outside my window on a metal tool shed. Mostly just listening for now. Still interested in ham radio (actually studied years ago but then had too much fun on the SSB CB (lower 16 back then) I'm saving up for a new SSB radio (Galaxy looks good) and going to try and make a similar antenna. Don't laugh, but I got the old ARRL antenna handbook from the public library (remember those?) Recently got the same book online... blast from the past!
On a sidenote: trying to setup my son so he can contact me in emergency situations using CB (I realized if the solar activity causes issues, it' also likely to mess up 11 meter band) We are 3 mile away in the city. Have other ideas for that (may have to talk to a mod/admin about discussion stuff like that) Oh yea... love monitoring short wave too.
Anyway, I'll stick to CB radio for now. I've been on/off for years (since the late 1970s) I also got very interested in ham radio (friend had an older bother with full blown "ham shack"... serious setup with multi-band homemade quad antenna on the roof... would love to talk about that later) Like everyone else in the 70s and 80s had fun on the mobile. Years later, I got a new Cobra SSB and built my own horizontal dipole (AARL antenna handbook), mounted it on a metal pole to the metal "porch" on my upstairs apartment. No power booster! Got contact from CA to Detroit, MI. They guy asked if I had a beam... nope, just a stock radio and home-made antenna. Something about the metal porch/stairs enhanced my signal (only to the East) Anyway, been recently playing with another old Cobra mobile (no SSB
On a sidenote: trying to setup my son so he can contact me in emergency situations using CB (I realized if the solar activity causes issues, it' also likely to mess up 11 meter band) We are 3 mile away in the city. Have other ideas for that (may have to talk to a mod/admin about discussion stuff like that) Oh yea... love monitoring short wave too.