I posted a few hours ago on this thread a link to a youtube video showing how to convert the GM-15 Pro from GMRS to 2m/440 ham. The mods deleted my post I assume because posting links is against the rules (I'll re-check the rules, maybe it's a copyright issue?). So rather than post the actual link, I suggest just doing a youtube search for "Matt Cover Tech" and "GM-30" and it should pull up. The GM-30 and GM-15 are essentially the same radios and use the same software.
I had two of these GM-15 Pros sitting around doing nothing because there is no GMRS activity around me, so this was a great help letting me re-purpose them for 2m/440.
I had two of these GM-15 Pros sitting around doing nothing because there is no GMRS activity around me, so this was a great help letting me re-purpose them for 2m/440.
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