Yeah I assumed it probably wasn’t legal to use the same radio for both….We shouldn’t create laws to prevent people from breaking other laws.
Yeah, I'm not the "radio police" so it doesn't matter to me what you choose to do.
But for the record, it goes beyond just simply making laws for the sake of making laws. There's some really good reasons for the type acceptance rules that most choose to overlook.
Anywho, I did the MARS mod on my radio when I got home. Super easy. With my current antenna (Larsen NMO2/70B) my SWR is in the high 2’s to mid 3’s on all the 50W GMRS channels. It’s about the same on the 5W channels. For kicks and giggles I checked it on the 0.5W channels and its in the 7’s (yikes!). Not worried about that though. That is puzzling though why those particular frequencies have such a high SWR when they’re right in the middle of the band.
The issue with the itinerant channels likely isn't anything to do with the antenna. It's probably an issue with your SWR meter calibrating correctly to such a low power. The SWR should be the same no matter what the power output is. SWR is a ratio of power being sent to the antenna compared to what is reflected (not radiated) by the antenna.
So, you need a more appropriate antenna. Not sure what you are using now, and if it'll work on GMRS.
The VHF 1/4 wave whip is a cheap/easy option, but will have less than perfect radiation pattern on UHF.
Here's a VHF 1/4 wave whip on top of one of my trucks. This is showing the UHF spectrum, you'll see that the SWR is just fine on the GMRS channels and more than acceptable on 70 centimeter band:
You do have some other options that will work:
Option 1:
Get a wider bandwidth dual band antenna.
Kind of my least favorite option, but it'll work if you find the right one….
Here's the UHF plot for a Larsen NMO-2/70SH. Good SWR on 70cm and good SWR on GMRS:
And it'll work just fine on VHF.
Option 2:
Get a d
iplexer (different than a d
uplexer) to split your radios antenna output to a separate VHF and UHF antenna. Connect the VHF port to a VHF antenna suitable for 2 meter band. 1/4 wave antennas work well and are cheap.
Connect the UHF port to a 1/4 wave UHF antenna. Tune it for around 460MHz. That'll give you more than acceptable SWR on both 70cm and GMRS. The 1/4 wave UHF antenna will have a good radiation pattern and they are broad banded enough to work just fine over a wide swath of the UHF spectrum.