Yes the crest line repeater has a HUGE foot print of over 100miles in radius. From the beach to Barstow And even into Beverly Hills but it’s all Spanish all day. I have heard a club also has a big foot print in the area.
The Spanish speakers actually make contacts and have conversations about all kinds of interesting things. That's why there are so many Spanish speaking repeaters in Socal.
Long distance simplex is a big thing. We have guys making 12 element yagis out of old bed springs, talking from the border to Santa on 4 watts.
The English speakers???
Except for the hilarious and disgusting "Red White and Blue" free speech repeater...
The only thing I ever hear on Mid-Crest and Crest are RADIO CHECKS, and "So and so monitoring".
What are they all "monitoring " for?
Are they expecting, emergencies or other atomic bedlam?
The "Mount Julio" 650 can be funny when they all start drinking.