"Good" Tornados

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Aug 4, 2003

No, I wasn't accusing all stormchasers of being crazy. But I've seen too many videos of too many of them doing some really stupid stuff to want to take my chances being anywhere near them. Storms are DANGEROUS. I'm out there, too, but I try to be safe and to make others safe.

You are confusing spotters and chasers, and misconstruing a JOKE. You aren't from around here. The snippet I posted was a JOKE from another website, and was related to OKLAHOMA weather - not weather 'up north'. It's an idiosyncracy of Okies that there are far too many "I wanna be famous" amateur videographers that know far too little about storms and put far too much emphasis on "good shots" for the TV news. Not all, but most, are out there for the "if it bleeds it leads" shot of the day, and contribute little or nothing to the local warnings or the local forecasts. Around here, the difference between "spotter" and "chaser" is not who they work for, but the attitude they take towards what they are doing.

Take the severe weather seriously. Take it SAFELY! Take the forums lightly.

Please close this thread.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
I am familiar with the difference between spotters and chasers... Neither are in it for the 'bleeding' but chasers are definitely more concerned with video than reporting. Video of the tor - not the destruction.


Feb 26, 2004
tulsa okla.
oh jesus, lets not forget that "spotters" get on the radio and report rain and lightning. and MARBLE sized hail, what sized marbles? idiots.television chasers are responsible for telling the met and the public what is taking place, they save lives, hams relay info to the wx service which by time if it were to be broadcast to the public it would be too late. if i am on the air reporting 2 inch sized hail in the vacinity of 91 and memorial people can take immediate action such as pulling the car in the garage etc,, if a hammer is at 91 and memorial he starts geeking out reporting to the wx service that he has "marble" hail and NO ONE but the wx service and the other hammers hear it. the media chasers are providing life and property saving information. oh, and getting video too. go add another antenna to your station wagon, wax your 15 year old skywarn sticker on the back of it and SHUT UP!


May 31, 2004
Oklahoma City, OK
I used to do some weather stuff on the ham frequencies. It was/is really VERY annoying when you turn on the radio and hear 3 or 4 people screaming on the radio about rain... and wind... and how this storm could "omg turn right at any moment and omg get READY FOR SOME TORNAAAAAAAADOOOOS!?!!?!?!!" I usually just turn off the radio at that point. They just get to excited about nothing. I mean if a tornado is on the ground then please report it. But for god sakes its just raining outside. Calm the f*ck down and go eat some ice cream. Whats even worse is the embarrassment of those people trying to relay info, on their own, to on the local wx5oun relay frequency. (145.410 i believe) *rolls eyes*


Nut Protector Extraordinaire
Nov 28, 2006
Pryor Creek, OK
I'll be out front selling tickets to the big show and standing by with fresh popcorn!
Jan 14, 2004
I used to do some weather stuff on the ham frequencies. It was/is really VERY annoying when you turn on the radio and hear 3 or 4 people screaming on the radio about rain... and wind... and how this storm could "omg turn right at any moment and omg get READY FOR SOME TORNAAAAAAAADOOOOS!?!!?!?!!" I usually just turn off the radio at that point. They just get to excited about nothing. I mean if a tornado is on the ground then please report it. But for god sakes its just raining outside. Calm the f*ck down and go eat some ice cream. Whats even worse is the embarrassment of those people trying to relay info, on their own, to on the local wx5oun relay frequency. (145.410 i believe) *rolls eyes*

Thank God they didnt have spotters back in Noah's day HAHAHAHA.

But seriously there are too many people who get worked up over the fact that water vapor can condense to a point that it is heavy enough to fall to earth. And the media is encouraging it. Last week there were 3 shootings, 2 structure fires and a guy cut off his sister's fingers with a saw. Were those top stories on the evening news? No. They began on "Storm Alert" because at any minute God could obliterate the state of Texas off the face of the earth. The showed the radar and said "There's storm clouds near San Angelo (100+ miles SW of the coverage area) and it might come this way." Then they went to no less than four reporters in the field talking about how storm drains work to get water off the streets. Every single one of the reporters was wearing a bright yellow raincoat at 1600 with the sun shining brightly on a 90 degree afternoon. Then they got to the stories of the police officer who was killed and the amber alert that was issued....more than 20 minutes into the broadcast.

Guess that's what we call the news.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
The media wouldn't "encourage" it if the public didn't demand it... Look at the ratings reports from markets that have meters (i.e. it automatically records what they are watching, not relying on a book after the fact.) Time and time again we see ANY weather coverage being the reason people watch the news. Wall-to-wall coverage always gets complaints, but ALWAYS brings stations their biggest viewership far and away...


Jul 7, 2004
I don't know what has crawled up everyone's ass here on radio reference here lately. I come on here to read radio related topics and have to sort through all the Jerry Springer type bickering about chasers and spotters. I don't know what the hell you people have against Ham Radio operaters. I think rdale is right in the differences between the two. I think some of you people forget that if it was not for Ham radio operators after the May 3 tornado's here in Oklahoma the Hams who are spotters was the one's out there providing radio communications.

I think there are some great people on this website. I also think there are some people on here that need to get a life and quit getting online and bashing everyone. Loumag is right this is worse then the damn tavern. I am just sick of all the BS in this forum.



Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Why is it that you will not give it a rest?

fireant, keep it up and you won't have to worry about what is going on here anymore.

The rest of you, this is not the Severe Weather / Storm Chasing Forum, take these issues to the proper forum and quit clogging this forum with your nonsense. Unless you are posting a local alert in the "Breaking News" section of this forum, let's stick to the forum subject matter; Forum for discussing Radio Information in the State of Oklahoma.

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