No, I wasn't accusing all stormchasers of being crazy. But I've seen too many videos of too many of them doing some really stupid stuff to want to take my chances being anywhere near them. Storms are DANGEROUS. I'm out there, too, but I try to be safe and to make others safe.
You are confusing spotters and chasers, and misconstruing a JOKE. You aren't from around here. The snippet I posted was a JOKE from another website, and was related to OKLAHOMA weather - not weather 'up north'. It's an idiosyncracy of Okies that there are far too many "I wanna be famous" amateur videographers that know far too little about storms and put far too much emphasis on "good shots" for the TV news. Not all, but most, are out there for the "if it bleeds it leads" shot of the day, and contribute little or nothing to the local warnings or the local forecasts. Around here, the difference between "spotter" and "chaser" is not who they work for, but the attitude they take towards what they are doing.
Take the severe weather seriously. Take it SAFELY! Take the forums lightly.
Please close this thread.
No, I wasn't accusing all stormchasers of being crazy. But I've seen too many videos of too many of them doing some really stupid stuff to want to take my chances being anywhere near them. Storms are DANGEROUS. I'm out there, too, but I try to be safe and to make others safe.
You are confusing spotters and chasers, and misconstruing a JOKE. You aren't from around here. The snippet I posted was a JOKE from another website, and was related to OKLAHOMA weather - not weather 'up north'. It's an idiosyncracy of Okies that there are far too many "I wanna be famous" amateur videographers that know far too little about storms and put far too much emphasis on "good shots" for the TV news. Not all, but most, are out there for the "if it bleeds it leads" shot of the day, and contribute little or nothing to the local warnings or the local forecasts. Around here, the difference between "spotter" and "chaser" is not who they work for, but the attitude they take towards what they are doing.
Take the severe weather seriously. Take it SAFELY! Take the forums lightly.
Please close this thread.