BCD436HP/BCD536HP: GPS Mini Plug Part Number and Source

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Apr 12, 2008
Does anyone have a part number and source for the mini plug used for GPS on the BCD436HP? I am retired and can afford only one quality scanner, so I use my BCD436HP in the car with a custom-built stand and my Garmin E-Trex Legend GPS; in the house with a duplicate custom-built-stand; and (rarely) as a hand-held. The mini GPS plug in the car gets connected and unconnected frequently, and the mini plug on the DB9 cable get flaky after several months - I am getting tired of buying those cables. If I can find a source for the mini plugs I can refit them myself as I am a retired broadcast chief engineer. Actually, if I can find a source for the plugs I will fit them directly to the Garmin cable in place of its DB9 and eliminate the adapter cable.
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