Very poor front end..
I know that nobody wants to hear it but the receiver's ability to filter out junk is terrible. I bought the radio to use at work in my cruiser (yes I know that the MDC and monitor are bad for reception). On analog trunking the radio emits a sort of buzzing noise which makes hearing the audio on a talk group almost impossible. If I move the radio around inside the car it does not help. Digital signals do not seem to have this problem, however some voice traffic is missed in this mobile environment. The radio works fine outside and in the house.
The signal strength meter indicates full strength on weak signals and sometimes on no signals at all. Very strange.
My 396 does not suffer from this receiver issue. I can use it in the cruiser with the MDC running all day long. In todays world there are many mobile computers in use. I cannot endorse a scanner that cannot be used near an MDC when there are other scanners on the market that can be used(296, 396, 996). This is a HUGE, HUGE issue for me. If you do not plan on using the radio in a mobile computing environment then you should enjoy it. It does have many nice features.
I like the scanner outside of the cruiser. The digital audio quality is nice, it seems to be very "crisp". I like the NAC decoding very much, and the screen displays a lot of good information.
I know there is nothing wrong with my unit, but I am still considering taking it back because I should be able to use it in the car. If the Uniden's didn't work in the car either, then I wouldn't complain as much. Come on GRE, tightening up the front end on a radio these days should be TOP PRIORITY with all of the wireless devices in use around us. I'm not saying you have to build an XTS front end, but please just something that works around other electronics. Remember also that regardless of price, this is a TOP end scanner, it should be held to a standard well below an XTS, but good enough to receive in all environments.
Thanks for reading my comments everyone.