My Win 10-64 PC will not recognize my OEM PSR500 USB cable indicating that no drivers have been installed. Windows tells me that there is no COM port assigned to the cable. I have searched the numerous posts on this subject but can not find a solution. This PC is about a year old and replaced a previous Win 10-64 PC where I did not experience this problem. I was able to Upload a configuration BIN file to the scanner without a problem using this same cable. Checking in Device Mgr, there is no 'Ports" header to check COM and LPT assignments. I have downloaded the latest Firmware from GRECOM America but can not get past step2 which is looking for an assigned port for the cable. I have placed the ftd2xx dll file in both Windows System32 and System WOW64 folders My current Windows update is 2004. Would appreciate any suggestions.