Silent key.
Are there any GRE representatives on this forum? Are any GRE representatives taking action regarding a potential P25 decoding issue?
I am a happy BCD396T owner. When the 396 was first introduced there were several problems (Silk screen issue, P25 decoding on talkgroups over 5000, Fire tone-out on frequencies with DCS / CTCSS, EDACS end beeps, and probably a few others). When these issues were brought up on the Uniden boards, there was a Uniden rep that was actively addressing the issues. In my opinon, Uniden’s reaction to all of these issues was exceptional and this speaks a lot for their customer service. Browsing the GRE threads, I am not seeing this dedication from GRE. Uniden has a rep that actively participates in discussion about issues and obviously has the contacts within the company to have the issues resolved.
One of my outstanding complaints with my BCD-396T is the P25 audio quality. I am interested in the PSR-500 if it can exceed the quality of P25 audio, both on conventional and trunked systems. Browsing this thread, I have some serious concerns about a P25 decoding issue and very little involvement from GRE to address the issue.
I don’t mean to flame, but in my opinion, Uniden has upped the bar when it comes to directly addressing concerns of their customers. I feel that GRE should follow and provide direct support and feedback to their customers on this site.
I am a happy BCD396T owner. When the 396 was first introduced there were several problems (Silk screen issue, P25 decoding on talkgroups over 5000, Fire tone-out on frequencies with DCS / CTCSS, EDACS end beeps, and probably a few others). When these issues were brought up on the Uniden boards, there was a Uniden rep that was actively addressing the issues. In my opinon, Uniden’s reaction to all of these issues was exceptional and this speaks a lot for their customer service. Browsing the GRE threads, I am not seeing this dedication from GRE. Uniden has a rep that actively participates in discussion about issues and obviously has the contacts within the company to have the issues resolved.
One of my outstanding complaints with my BCD-396T is the P25 audio quality. I am interested in the PSR-500 if it can exceed the quality of P25 audio, both on conventional and trunked systems. Browsing this thread, I have some serious concerns about a P25 decoding issue and very little involvement from GRE to address the issue.
I don’t mean to flame, but in my opinion, Uniden has upped the bar when it comes to directly addressing concerns of their customers. I feel that GRE should follow and provide direct support and feedback to their customers on this site.