Greene County OEM

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Paragould/Greene County AR
I have been monitoring the ADEM channels during the Ice Storm, No Power Been Running On Battery Power For 2 Days, Bought 40 AA Batteries, However I picked up today Paragould Dispatch, Paragould Fire Department, County Fire Departments, and Greene County OEM Director Shelly Hood Communicating on AWIN TGID 16001. This is not listed in the DB, I assume it's going to be the Greene County OEM TGID. I have submitted it as that, They've used it for two days now...I'm pretty confident that's what it is..Just to pass that along...
Greene County OEM 16001


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2005
Good catch!

I heard Cross Co. OEM talkin to ADEM the other day but it was on the ADEM Statewide local unit to unit chatter....only on Wynne FD TGID for me :mad:
This leads me to beleive we don't have many AWIN radios and they're only for interop with ADEM or ASP.


I've been catching alotta wildcards on Entergy's system. ID'd a few.

I caught Craighead Electric on AWIN the other nite too...
I heard another on there tonite but as too slow to get the TGID.

Stay warm dude!!!


Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Paragould/Greene County AR
Just confirmed this morning, heard paragould fire dept. and oem talking to city shop about chainsaws, it is greene county oem, i knew they had them but i didnt know how many, submitted to db..
i heard craighead electric on that one yesterday from marmaduke, been monitoring plwc, not been monitoring entergy till this morning, had a wildcard open on awin because i heard them talking on county fire channels about batteries for their awin radios and i got to thinking, hmmm....guess it paid off, i looked on a dial up connection on a laptop hooked to a car battery ;-) and found it not in the database, finally figured it out, guess it paid off, lol going to keep monitoring for more....gotta go, battery about gone, got two batteries, use one, charge on in the car, etc, lol

sent mobilly from sprint instinct..


Jul 1, 2005
Lonoke, AR
Thanks Brian for posting this. I have been hearing 16001 a few times the last couple days on the wynne tower.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Paragould/Greene County AR
Greene County OEM 1, OEM 2, OEM 3, OEM 4 and OEM 5

On The Wynne Tower, Wow, I've got them using CC 07, Which in Troop C, not D is Hopewell, North Of Marmaduke, Close To Rector...I don't think those are statewide TGID's..I've not heard much lately but I found it on Wednesday Afternoon, I have found it more active early in the mornings or late in the evenings, They'll use the local channels a lot but when there's something that doesn't need to be heard (I assume they think that the AWIN tgid is private) they'll switch to the AWIN frequency...I don't know who in the county has radios, I knew we had some because the mobile command post for the rescue squad and fire department has one in them but they've never used them until now, Well I've never searched until now, I knew they'd be using them then, When I heard them say switch to AWIN, I grabbed my PSR 500 (On battery of course, Ran it for 5 days solid on batteries! I bet I spent a $100 in batteries! lol) and started searching with a wildcard on AWIN, Wasn't long and 16001 popped up.. I thought that was it but I wasn't sure, Then Shelly Hood (Greene County OEM Coordinator) called for the fire department, Then I KNEW that was it.. Checked the DB to make sure it wasn't on another one before I submitted it, Sure enough it wasn't.. I listed longer and then I knew for sure.. I don't know who all in the county has access to AWIN but I have confirmed The Following Using it, I heard them for sure, Identify themselves and all, They Are:
Shelly Hood, OEM Coordinator (OEM 1)
Paragould Fire Department (OEM 2)
Paragould Police Department (OEM 3)
Marmaduke Police Department (OEM 4)
Greene County Sheriff's Department (OEM 5) I think it was them, The county Fire Departments Don't Have Digital Portables or Mobile's so I know it wasn't them, About the only one left is S.O. Or Greene County Rescue, Could have been either one, The first 4 I'm sure of though..
Hearing them On Wynne Tower Amazes Me Though Because They're using the Hopewell Tower, Take That Back, I heard them use The Jonesboro Tower Once, They went to Jonesboro Fire Department For Supplies and Hollered Back here at Shelly. That was on the Jonesboro Tower, Most of the time it's on CC 007, Toop C, and the frequency that it throws out matches Hopewell, That's the closest one to here or marmaduke as well..
I'm afraid if it works out well, The police, Fire and Sheriff's department are sure to switch and start using it full time just like Craighead county is doing.. In a way I hope not because I won't be able to monitor them in the truck but I hope so because I'll be able to hear them anywhere in the Troop C area Clear, Mainly Craighead County or Mississippi and Randolph Counties.. Either way, I find an monitorable Radio... lol
I hope what I've told ya'll helps..
BTW, Got Power Back About 5PM this afternoon, First Time In Five Days, Therefore, Scanner Feed Is Back Up And Streaming Online Again, Just As Before, Arkansas Live Police, Fire, and EMS Scanners


Nov 8, 2007
Mountain Home, AR.
Mutual Aid TG in Greene CO

I have ben hearing, including this afternoon, Greene CO talking to Clay CO in reference to ice storm subjects on the AWIN Mutual Aid Channel ( TGID: 2603 )
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