There is a spreadsheet floating around the internet - I think there's a copy here. Guilford County Fire dispatch goes out on Talk Group 10224, in addition to the two frequencies given above. The spreadsheet appears to have the correct talkgroup id's for the county fire tac channels - but they're labelled incorrectly. As far as I can tell - what the spreadsheet calls Tac 2 is really Tac 10. I've not had the scanner long enough to confirm the other tac channels (it's a really busy night when they ever get more than 2 fire scenes going)- but I suspect what the dispatchers hand out as 10, 12, 14 are 2,3 4 on the sheet. Greensboro City Fire Tac channels seems to match the sheet (ie Tac 5 is 5 on the sheet is 4752.)
I'd like to confirm some of this myself so I can weed out my scan lists. Anyone know about the County Fire training talkgroup assignments? There's not enough to be one per station.