Na, but I do get sick of folks that spread bad info. Like blaming the system or modularion for the craptastic scanner performance, when it is a fatal design flaw in the scanner itself. Folks are dropping 4-6 hundred on a scanner that can't properly decode a widely used modulation, then getting frustrated. When one buys a scanner they should not have to get all 'twister' with pointing yagi's to null signals, stand on one toe-pointing north-finger in their ear-two hairs straight elbow west at a 23.5 degree bend just to beable to decode a signal that is probably at saturation.
When the local first responders go P25, there has been rumblings that the police want the city sites of the provincial system to be simulcast... if it does go that way it likely will be LSM... not that it matters for listening to local law enforcement... they will be, if the trend in the rest of the country is any indication, full time encryption anyhow.
Did your google-fu turn up any info on CQPSK and why FM receivers don't decode it very well?
Hint CQPSK is used because it is much more forgiving when it comes to maximum delay spread.
I cant remeber what member explained it best, i think it was slicerwizard, why Unidens have such a difficult time with decoding CQPSK.