I live here in far western NY. A nearby county, Erie PA, holds a weekly ARES/RACES/Skywarn net each Sunday night at 9 pm on a network of linked repeaters, one being 146.82 Mhz W3GV in Waterford, PA with a PL of 186.2.
Last Sunday when I tuned into this repeater a little early for the net, I heard scratchy but audible and readible singnals on the '82 repeater. After listening for a while, I realized I was hearing the net control station for the Williams county, OH Sunday emergency net!
That county is some 300 miles from my location!
I could hear some signals from that net, but not all. The ones I could hear were steady, leading me to believe that these signals were going into the repeater, not the repeater's output. The repeater used for that net is also 146.82, and after a little research I think it is the KA8OFE repeater in Bryan, OH.
How is it possible for these signals to key up my local repeater if they don't have the same PL tone? Or does KA8OFE have the same PL tone as well? I have heard these signals before but never long or clear enough to give me identifying material. I thought this was really cool and extraordinary!
Last Sunday when I tuned into this repeater a little early for the net, I heard scratchy but audible and readible singnals on the '82 repeater. After listening for a while, I realized I was hearing the net control station for the Williams county, OH Sunday emergency net!
That county is some 300 miles from my location!
I could hear some signals from that net, but not all. The ones I could hear were steady, leading me to believe that these signals were going into the repeater, not the repeater's output. The repeater used for that net is also 146.82, and after a little research I think it is the KA8OFE repeater in Bryan, OH.
How is it possible for these signals to key up my local repeater if they don't have the same PL tone? Or does KA8OFE have the same PL tone as well? I have heard these signals before but never long or clear enough to give me identifying material. I thought this was really cool and extraordinary!