I don't know what are inside of that cable Phask refers to, besides a voltage regulator down to 5 volt to power the Garmin. Perhaps it also has some sort of data converting function. You should really use a computer and see what data that are sent straight out of the GPS without a special Garmin cable converter. You can easily set a serial data mode, 4800,8 no parity nor stop bit, in a command window to look at the data from a comport. Some computers do not have a serial RS232 data port but then you can use a
serial to USB converter cable.
A Uniden scanner probably only detects the GPS data and not the Glonass data so that shouldn't interfere if Uniden only looks at strings that begins with the characters that are used exclusively for GPS.
It is the RX data pin that should be used on the computer side and use a voltmeter on the GPS cable, if you peal off its isolation the red are +5v and the black are ground and the other two would be RX and TX but only TX should have some signalling. If it doesn't make sense when reading it on the PC it must still be sending it as a USB protocol and would need that cable that Phask suggests, if you have set a spanner mode.