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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Harris Unity XG-100P Multiband Review & Comparison

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Aug 6, 2013
One of 50 States
I know there are people interested knowing more about the Harris Unit Mulitband Portable Radio, so here is what was learned using radio.

This may be geared to those who do not have a Unity radio and or considering purchasing a Unity or may be new to FCC Part 90 radio.

Be aware some of these specifications are for firmware 05A and RPM version 12 only.

RPM = Radio Programming Manager (This is different then the Conventional Programmer).
SA = Situational Awareness (works between two or more Unity radios) this part of the GPS function.
TAC = Technical Assistance Center.

Unity XG-100P Technical Specifications (Intrinsic Safe & Standard) are;
Analog 12.5kHz & 25kHz bandwidth.
P25 Conventional 12.5kHz bandwidth.
Frequency Coverage 136-174, 380-520 & 762-870 MHz
VHF Output: 1- 6W
UHF Output: 1- 5W
700/800: 0.5 - 3W
Immersion: 1 Meter
Drop: 1 Meter

Features (P25 & Analog);
Conventional, Trunking, Encryption (AES & DES), OTAR, Data (required for full GPS capabilities) , GPS Tier 1.
MDC is a programmable option in the RPM. All the features can be purchased separately, except for P25 Conventional and updated through firmware download.

Radio and RPM Max. Limits;
1,250 Channels per Mission File.
12,500 Channel limit in 10 Mission Files.
10 Scan List per Mission File and 100 channels per scan list.
48 Channels per zone.

Battery Run Time;
Under 11 hours of regular use with; 6W, GPS, Bluetooth, tones, voice annunciation and screen turned on “momentary" at mid-brightness.
12 hours with; 5W and screen turned on “momentary" at mid-brightness everything else off.

Multiple Mixed System Zone (Analog WB or NB or P25)
Command Tactical Zone is great in the field when there is no access to a computer to change a zone.
Bluetooth Clone is great for dropping Mission Files into other Unity radios.
Harris Speaker Mic is the same one manufactured by OTTO.
Harris Bluetooth Earpiece is the same one manufactured by EarPhone Connection (Tactical Ear Gadgets).

RPM & Cost;
Fairly easy if you are able to learn quickly, otherwise it takes a couple of days to learn how to configure all options. There are a few things that are annoying, which prevent you from going back and forth unless you delete or configure them step by step e.g. jump from one configuration setting to another e.g. scan list jump to zone, etc. Some configuration option/menu can’t be set up unless you follow a certain pattern. This is were the Thales programmer wins in easiness!

Hard copy is shipped without the Activation Code (emailed), but with other very important information that is exclusive to the customer that ordered the RPM.

Installable in 1 computer only.

Cost for the RPM is $550 USD + $400 USD for RPM subscription updates (per year). Firmware versions are not cross compatible with old radios, unless they are updated (obviously).

User Programmable Buttons (Front & Side);
Two small buttons under PTT one on top programmable with many options.
Two option ring around the ON/OFF/volume knob programmable with many options.
Emergency Button is exclusively reserved for Emergency option only.
Man down option is standard and time adjustable.
48 Channel Zones automatically change the A, B, C ring zone and channel selection when switching from a previous zone that is being used.

Radio Access;
The radio can be configured in two different ways to prevent access/use (obviously).

Analog Wideband Note;
There is NO FCC wideband permit required for the WB feature, but Harris will only sell it to Federal and State agencies. Narrow band requirement ONLY APPLIES to Part 90 LMR - Federal, State, Local Public Safety and Business Frequencies, NOT Part 95 - GMRS/FRS, Amateur.

Overall Cost;
A full Packaged radio with ALL features and accessories cost the same as did the Thales Liberty $6K fully loaded, but cheaper then a fully loaded APX 8000 with an equivalent package.

APX 7/8000 dual screen, FPP with all P25 features, accessories, high capacity battery, antenna (VHF/UHF/700/800/GPS), CPS (Programmer) + subscription, charger totals to $7K+, not counting sales tax, shipping fees.

Two or three ounces (actual scale weight) more when compared to a APX 7000 3.5 model and APX 8000.

Not as rugged as a Thales Liberty (2 meter immersion) or a APX 7000, 8000 with rugged option (2 meter immersion). Unity is rated at 3 meter for hard surface drop and 1 meter for water immersion.

There is NO way to switch between wideband, narrow band or P25 Conventional options when editing a channel via FPP. Each must be pre-programmed
in the RPM, eating channels in a zone.

Multimode capability. Channel Guard Tone in a P25 Conventional Channel is only good for receiving, nothing else since you can’t transmit.
This is were the APX 7000/8000 (4 bands) and the Thales Liberty Multiband beat the Unity, having the option of creating what would equal 2 channels per one channel programmed (on the same frequency). Also great for P25 GPS use while transmitting and receiving in analog, maintaing GPS at the same time.

No high capacity battery option available. Thales has/had a 16 hour battery option.

Scan list capacity, is limited to 10 per mission plan.

Firmware 04A has scan list bugs, which cause it to reboot when selecting/switching scan lists.

Repair cost (Depot Flat Rate) is $695 USD for the radio only, covers only normal wear and use. Expedited 2 day turn time is $105.00

TAC has taken up to a week to answer a reply, but most of the time it has been one or two days for call back depending on the depth of the issue.

Other Notes;
This is what I can write at the moment, if you have any questions on anything that is not covered please send me a private message and will get back ASAP. Sorry for any typos, sent from mobile without Taptalk.
Aug 6, 2013
One of 50 States
Wow... thanks for the detailed write up! I havent read through it all yet but I will.

I imagine this is the unit CHP is using?

Thanks, I wish there was more time to write more and make it better.
To answer you're question, I purchased it out of pocket for official use (not CHP) otherwise it would have taken a long... time before anything gets done.
Aug 6, 2013
One of 50 States
I know there are people interested knowing more about the Harris Unit Mulitband Portable Radio, so here is what was learned using radio.

This may be geared to those who do not have a Unity radio and or considering purchasing a Unity or may be new to FCC Part 90 radio.

Be aware some of these specifications are for firmware 05A and RPM version 12 only.

RPM = Radio Programming Manager (This is different then the Conventional Programmer).
SA = Situational Awareness (works between two or more Unity radios) this part of the GPS function.
TAC = Technical Assistance Center.

Unity XG-100P Technical Specifications (Intrinsic Safe & Standard) are;
Analog 12.5kHz & 25kHz bandwidth.
P25 Conventional 12.5kHz bandwidth.
Frequency Coverage 136-174, 380-520 & 762-870 MHz
VHF Output: 1- 6W
UHF Output: 1- 5W
700/800: 0.5 - 3W
Immersion: 1 Meter
Drop: 1 Meter

Features (P25 & Analog);
Conventional, Trunking, Encryption (AES & DES), OTAR, Data (required for full GPS capabilities) , GPS Tier 1.
MDC is a programmable option in the RPM. All the features can be purchased separately, except for P25 Conventional and updated through firmware download.

Radio and RPM Max. Limits;
1,250 Channels per Mission File.
12,500 Channel limit in 10 Mission Files.
10 Scan List per Mission File and 100 channels per scan list.
48 Channels per zone.

Battery Run Time;
Under 11 hours of regular use with; 6W, GPS, Bluetooth, tones, voice annunciation and screen turned on “momentary" at mid-brightness.
12 hours with; 5W and screen turned on “momentary" at mid-brightness everything else off.

Multiple Mixed System Zone (Analog WB or NB or P25)
Command Tactical Zone is great in the field when there is no access to a computer to change a zone.
Bluetooth Clone is great for dropping Mission Files into other Unity radios.
Harris Speaker Mic is the same one manufactured by OTTO.
Harris Bluetooth Earpiece is the same one manufactured by EarPhone Connection (Tactical Ear Gadgets).

RPM & Cost;
Fairly easy if you are able to learn quickly, otherwise it takes a couple of days to learn how to configure all options. There are a few things that are annoying, which prevent you from going back and forth unless you delete or configure them step by step e.g. jump from one configuration setting to another e.g. scan list jump to zone, etc. Some configuration option/menu can’t be set up unless you follow a certain pattern. This is were the Thales programmer wins in easiness!

Hard copy is shipped without the Activation Code (emailed), but with other very important information that is exclusive to the customer that ordered the RPM.

Installable in 1 computer only.

Cost for the RPM is $550 USD + $400 USD for RPM subscription updates (per year). Firmware versions are not cross compatible with old radios, unless they are updated (obviously).

User Programmable Buttons (Front & Side);
Two small buttons under PTT one on top programmable with many options.
Two option ring around the ON/OFF/volume knob programmable with many options.
Emergency Button is exclusively reserved for Emergency option only.
Man down option is standard and time adjustable.
48 Channel Zones automatically change the A, B, C ring zone and channel selection when switching from a previous zone that is being used.

Radio Access;
The radio can be configured in two different ways to prevent access/use (obviously).

Analog Wideband Note;
There is NO FCC wideband permit required for the WB feature, but Harris will only sell it to Federal and State agencies. Narrow band requirement ONLY APPLIES to Part 90 LMR - Federal, State, Local Public Safety and Business Frequencies, NOT Part 95 - GMRS/FRS, Amateur.

Overall Cost;
A full Packaged radio with ALL features and accessories cost the same as did the Thales Liberty $6K fully loaded, but cheaper then a fully loaded APX 8000 with an equivalent package.

APX 7/8000 dual screen, FPP with all P25 features, accessories, high capacity battery, antenna (VHF/UHF/700/800/GPS), CPS (Programmer) + subscription, charger totals to $7K+, not counting sales tax, shipping fees.

Two or three ounces (actual scale weight) more when compared to a APX 7000 3.5 model and APX 8000.

Not as rugged as a Thales Liberty (2 meter immersion) or a APX 7000, 8000 with rugged option (2 meter immersion). Unity is rated at 3 meter for hard surface drop and 1 meter for water immersion.

There is NO way to switch between wideband, narrow band or P25 Conventional options when editing a channel via FPP. Each must be pre-programmed
in the RPM, eating channels in a zone.

Multimode capability. Channel Guard Tone in a P25 Conventional Channel is only good for receiving, nothing else since you can’t transmit.
This is were the APX 7000/8000 (4 bands) and the Thales Liberty Multiband beat the Unity, having the option of creating what would equal 2 channels per one channel programmed (on the same frequency). Also great for P25 GPS use while transmitting and receiving in analog, maintaing GPS at the same time.

No high capacity battery option available. Thales has/had a 16 hour battery option.

Scan list capacity, is limited to 10 per mission plan.

Firmware 04A has scan list bugs, which cause it to reboot when selecting/switching scan lists.

Repair cost (Depot Flat Rate) is $695 USD for the radio only, covers only normal wear and use. Expedited 2 day turn time is $105.00

TAC has taken up to a week to answer a reply, but most of the time it has been one or two days for call back depending on the depth of the issue.

Other Notes;
This is what I can write at the moment, if you have any questions on anything that is not covered please send me a private message and will get back ASAP. Sorry for any typos, sent from mobile without Taptalk.

Had the experience of scan list issues that cause the radio to reboot every time a list was selected, but was solved with a special firmware update.

Currently using a Harris Mobile Multiband Antenna which has 3, 3, 6dBi of Gain depending on the frequency for using with the Unity and Thales Liberty and the results have been better then expected. Though its not cheap, I would definitely recommend it for use in vehicles.

RPM is $550.00 USD (Good for 1 Computer Only), RPM Subscription is $400.00 per year!


Aug 11, 2015
Where idiots grow on trees
I know this is a bit old - but what was Motorola quoting for a similarly-specced APX8000? I called a couple local places here and couldn't even get them to give me a ballpark.


Getting tired of all the stupidity.
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
I've HEARD that it can top 10K if well featured in all bands. Which would be an unusual combination,
as I'd be surprised if there's anybody that would be a user on Phase 2 systems in all bands.

The 8K is really a very specialized product as not many people need five band access enough to justify the expense.

Though it's not reference in any literature I have yet seen, my belief is that the 8K can be ordered with some bands turned off, at a reduced price, so you can activate those bands later when you need them rather than having to buy another radio.

It would be interesting to see what the minimal possible price would be for an 8K. I'd like to know myself.


Oct 15, 2012
Great write-up. I have been using my Unity XG-100P for several years now, emergency response all over the country. Great radio that has held up well.
My only wish is that it could be customized a little more. Different colors of displays, more that can be done via front panel buttons, and the like.
As for inter-operability, it has done well in that regard. Some sites I have been to, senior personnel have two or three handheld radios on their belts. If you need VHF/UHF and another band in the same radio, or GPS it is great.
I have also used its bluetooth capability more than I thought I would.
Aug 6, 2013
One of 50 States
I know this is a bit old - but what was Motorola quoting for a similarly-specced APX8000? I called a couple local places here and couldn't even get them to give me a ballpark.

From my quote list price $10K with all features including Phase 2 and rugged and full keypad.
Price ranges $7.9K+ depending on the chosen configuration. I do not really see a point with the limited keypad option instead of full key pad considering that its a 4 band radio.

Note full key pad model includes 1 standard battery, 1 Plastic Carry Holder, 1 Antenna (don't know if its wideband).
Aug 6, 2013
One of 50 States
Great write-up. I have been using my Unity XG-100P for several years now, emergency response all over the country. Great radio that has held up well.
My only wish is that it could be customized a little more. Different colors of displays, more that can be done via front panel buttons, and the like.
As for inter-operability, it has done well in that regard. Some sites I have been to, senior personnel have two or three handheld radios on their belts. If you need VHF/UHF and another band in the same radio, or GPS it is great.
I have also used its bluetooth capability more than I thought I would.

Thanks, it took me quite a while to write down what was on my mind about the radio/s. I've been getting some PM regarding the Harris Unity and Thales Liberty, both postings have been getting a lot of reads as one can see by the view counts. No else that has/had the radios ever took the time to write it down, so I took it upon myself, since I'm not a fan of any specific radio. I do NOT write marketing type reviews that are one sided.!

I hope to be able to review/write about the APX 8000, XG-100M and XL-200P radios when I can. All multi bands have their pros and cons, its all a matter of brand loyalty 99.999% of the time, personally I haven't seen a single rep that has been 100% honest when they talk about their products.

I do use (not both on belt just one) either a Unity and or 2 Liberty's because it gives me the ability to transmit/receive (VHF/UHF) at the same time.
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