Heavy Traffic on 165.2375 in NC

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Jan 27, 2008
Newton, NC
Hello to all, this is my first post. Last week 1/13/08 - 1/15/08 lots of traffic heard on 165.2375 simplex in the Newton, Hickory, and Conover area of North Carolina. Lots of surveillance on foot and in the air by use of a plane. No "codenames" used, they all used first names! Everyone signed off at night. Very interesting.


196-ÆS Ø
Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2003
Sunny South Florida
ff-medic said:
Simplex? How odd !!!!


Certain CBP repeater channels are also programmed as simplex. For example, 165.2375 is called Net 1 when in repeater mode but Tac 1 when in simplex mode. As a matter of fact, the Border Patrol repeater channels in Florida are programmed to go simplex otherwise known as talkaround.
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 12, 2007
The Appalachians - Next to the tent and campfire.
JoeH said:
Certain CBP repeater channels are also programmed as simplex. For example, 165.2375 is called Net 1 when in repeater mode but Tac 1 when in simplex mode. As a matter of fact, the Border Patrol repeater channels in Florida are programmed to go simplex otherwise known as talkaround.

Quote = "Hello to all, this is my first post. Last week 1/13/08 - 1/15/08 lots of traffic heard on 165.2375 simplex in the Newton, Hickory, and Conover area of North Carolina."

I understand simplex/talkaround. But he mentioned that he heard traffic from Newton,Hickory and Conover.

Simplex and heard from all those areas?

165.2375 from the West Virginia Database - Federal Freqs list that freq as being for CBP training. He heard surveillance during the day, and at night it quit, ****and in the clear**** More than likely it was a training op.

"Hard Core" drug folks and serious criminals have a counter-intel net, with sniches in any given area to be on the lookout for new people, vehicles that do not match,people inquiring..and ect..ect...ect. I even read of one instance a few years ago where in a large metropolitan area, the local police agency was watched. People walking in and out were photographed from a distance, vehciles and license plates were photographed. Delievery people were put in at local fast food delivery restraunts to get intel from the inside of the buildinigs, pics and ect. A multi-million dollar criminal industry was being protected.

It worked....Till an individual turned informant told a Federal Agency that a hit on a drug officer was going to occur. Vehicle and license plates on a agency vehicle did not match from previous pics,and some story did not jive.

A large load of narcotics and assets were seized, and a significant amount of arrest occurred. Most of all, a few officers kept their lives. The informant went into WITSEC and a few years later committed suicide.

So.....to hear a surveillance not encrypted would be extremely dangerous. Your are following someone and they turn down a secondary dirt road......a few miles down agents/officers vehicles become bullet ridden. Continous communications on a surveiallnce op is dangerous anyway. Ever heard of a squelch adjustment. You may not be able to hear...But you can get a guess of how far away the signal is...and by looking at the freq...get a guestimate of what agency / kind of agency. That is why..in the Military.."WE" committed ourselves to radio silence till the op was well underway. Freq hopping, or no Freq hopping. Why static up a television or a simple am-fm radio and give the bad guys a hint/clue?

Officers/agents with swelled heads and large egos don't live long, or get seriously injured. Officer safety is paramount The 1986 Miami shootout is just about an example. Those Agents, Most respectfully, were outgunned; and they knew it.And in my determination wanted the credit for the op for themselves, instead of asking for help outside the agency. Local agencys know the area and the people. I firmly believe that had outside agency help been aquired , Agents lives could have been saved. But instead the FBI wanted to boast about a significant operation/arrest and afterwards turn it into a huge media event. Most likely..to assist in getting more money for it's budget..which as I understand has been dwindleing over the years.

You have to respect the FBI. Their charter gives them a significant amount of responsibility. Criminal Investigation as well as terror and counter-intel, intel investigation responsibilitys. And the requirements to become an Agent is high, and they lack the manpower to do what they need. Some Law Enforcement individuals do give others a bad name. In my lifetime I have met some GREAT agents, and other officers. But some...Ya got to wonder how in teh heck they even made it through training.

FF-Medic - - - - - -


Jan 27, 2008
Newton, NC
Sorry for the post, I am not a radio expert and did not realize it was possible a training exercise......it this will be my last post here.


196-ÆS Ø
Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2003
Sunny South Florida
ff-medic said:
I understand simplex/talkaround. But he mentioned that he heard traffic from Newton,Hickory and Conover.

Simplex and heard from all those areas?

165.2375 from the West Virginia Database - Federal Freqs list that freq as being for CBP training. He heard surveillance during the day, and at night it quit, ****and in the clear**** More than likely it was a training op.

It is not impossible to monitor simplex from all of those areas since they are not that far apart and he did mention the use of aircraft.

That IS NOT a training frequency. CBP DOES NOT have any frequencies set aside specifically for training. That's not to say that they were not training, but it's just not a dedicated frequency. And as far as being in the clear, they run real ops in the clear quite often.


Don't let any of this discourage you from participating on this forum. RR is a great place to share lots of information. You will find that most people will be helpful and you'll learn a lot around here. Good luck.
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Aug 10, 2005
Sacramento County, California
nearly all of the surveillance i've heard is in the clear. criminals, even criminals who have scanners often do not have the expertise or the knowledge to program in tacticals, surveillance and federal frequencies. there are, of course exceptions to this rule.

alpha, please don't let that be the last post to the forum! stay! chat awhile! there's even more to learn!


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hamilton, Ontario

mkewman said:
nearly all of the surveillance i've heard is in the clear. criminals, even criminals who have scanners often do not have the expertise or the knowledge to program in tacticals, surveillance and federal frequencies. there are, of course exceptions to this rule.

alpha, please don't let that be the last post to the forum! stay! chat awhile! there's even more to learn!

I have noticed that a lot of surveillance around here is done in the clear, especially from a federal agency starting with the letter D. They love to do surveillance from a helicopter. Here is a good list of current CBP channels and their tones if they are in analog mode, http://mt-fedfiles.blogspot.com/2006/06/dhs-cbp-channel-lineup.html. As everyone else has said don't be afraid to ask questions there is someone here that might know the answer. It's a great place to help to learn new things.

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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
ff-medic said:

Also I "googled" . It comes up as US Customs. Utah, Florida and ect.

Simplex? How odd !!!!

FF-Medic - - - - -

There's nothing odd about it at all. This is a nationwide frequency and is used as both a repeater output and a tactical simplex frequency for CBP.

As far as it being training and not legit...I would never say that just because it was in the clear. Locally, I have heard plenty of ops in the clear that were confirmed as real by cross referencing the info from the op with agency press releases and news stories that came out later. Often times, surveillance ops with aircraft end up either totally or partially in the clear because of mismatched encryption keys, noise from the aircraft messing with encrypted audio, lack of familiarity with the equipment, or some other issues. DEA, FBI, ICE, and CBP have all been heard by me locally with aerial ops either partially or totally clear. The aircraft are high enough (to avoid easy detection) that they are generally heard over a good distance.
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